As mentioned earlier, for the Beowulf user, a smaller, faster, and leaner kernel is a better kernel. This section describes the important features of the Linux kernel for Beowulf users and shows how a little knowledge about the Linux kernel can make the cluster run faster and more smoothly.
What exactly does the kernel do? Its first responsibility is to be an interface to the hardware and provide a basic environment for processes and memory management. When user code opens a file, requests 30 megabytes of memory for user data, or sends a TCP/IP message, the kernel does the resource management. If the Linux server is a firewall, special kernel code can be used to filter network traffic. In general, there are no additives to the Linux kernel to make it better for scientific clusters—usually, making the kernel smaller and tighter is the goal. However, sometimes a virtual memory management algorithm can be twiddled to improve cache locality, since the memory access patterns of scientific applications are often much different from the patterns common Web servers and desktop workstations, the applications for which Linux kernel parameters and algorithms are generally tuned. Likewise, occasionally someone creates a TCP/IP patch that makes message passing for Linux clusters work a little better. Before going that deep into Linux kernel tuning, however, the kernel must first simply be compiled.
Almost all Linux distributions ship with a kernel build environment that is ready for action. The transcript below shows how you can learn a bit about the kernel running on the system.
% ls -l /proc/version -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 19 13:49 /proc/version % cat /proc/version Linux version 2.5.67 ( (gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-110)) #4 SMP Fri Apr 18 09:36:21 CDT 2003 % cd /usr/src % ls -ld linux lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Apr 22 07:19 linux -> /usr/src/linux-2.5.67
The '/proc' file system is not really a file system in the traditional meaning. It is not used to store files on the disk or some other secondary storage; rather, it is a pseudo-file system that is used as an interface to kernel data structures—a window into the running kernel. Linus likes the file system metaphor for gaining access to the heart of the kernel. Therefore, the '/proc' file system does not really have disk filenames but the names of parts of the system that can be accessed. In the example above, we read from the handle '/proc/version' using the Unix cat command. Notice that the file size is meaningless, since it is not really a file with bytes on a disk but a way to ask the kernel "What version are you currently running?" We can see the version of the kernel and some information about how it was built.
The source code for the kernel is often kept in '/usr/src'. Usually, a symbolic link from '/usr/src/linux' points to the kernel currently being built. Generally, if you want to download a different kernel and recompile it, it is put in '/usr/src', and the symlink '/usr/src/linux' is changed to point to the new directory while you work on compiling the kernel. If there is no kernel source in '/usr/src/linux', you probably did not select "kernel source" when you installed the system for the first time, so in an effort to save space, the source code was not installed on the machine. The remedy is to get the software from the company's Web site or the original installation CD-ROM.
The kernel source code often looks something like the following:
% cd /usr/src/linux % ls COPYING Makefile crypto init mm sound CREDITS README drivers ipc net usr Documentation REPORTING-BUGS fs kernel scripts MAINTAINERS arch include lib security
If your Linux distribution has provided the kernel source in its friendliest form, you can recompile the kernel, as it currently is configured, simply by typing
% make clean ; make bzImage
The server will then spend anywhere from a few minutes to twenty or more minutes depending on the speed of the server and the size of the kernel. When it is finished, you will have a kernel.
% ls -l /usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot/bzImage -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 906584 Jun 19 00:13 /usr/src/linux-2.5.67/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
For most kernels shipped with Linux distributions, the kernel is built to be modular. Linux has a special interface for loadable kernel modules, which provides a convenient way to extend the functionality of the kernel in a dynamic way, without retaining the code in memory all the time, and without requiring the kernel be recompiled every time a new or updated module arrives. Modules are most often used for device drivers, file systems, and special kernel features. For example, Linux can read and write MSDOS file systems. However, that functionality is usually not required at all times. Most often, it is required when reading or writing from an MSDOS floppy disk. The Linux kernel can dynamically load the MSDOS file system kernel module when it detects a request to mount an MSDOS file system. The resident size of the kernel remains small until it needs to dynamically add more functionality. By moving as many features out of the kernel core and into dynamically loadable modules, the legendary stability of Linux compared with legacy operating systems is achieved.
Linux distributions, in an attempt to support as many different hardware configurations and uses as possible, ship with as many precompiled kernel modules as possible. It is not uncommon to receive five hundred or more precompiled kernel modules with the distribution. In the example above, the core kernel was recompiled. This does not automatically recompile the dynamically loadable modules.
It is beyond the scope of this book to delve into the inner workings of the Linux kernel. However, for the Beowulf builder, slimming down the kernel into an even leaner and smaller image can be beneficial and, with a little help, is not too difficult.
In the example above, the kernel was simply recompiled, not configured. In order to slim down the kernel, the configuration step is required. There are several interfaces to configuring the kernel. The 'README' file in the kernel source outlines the steps required to configure and compile a kernel. Most people like the graphic interface and use make xconfig to edit the kernel configuration for the next compilation.
The first rule is to start slow and read the documentation. Plenty of documentation is available on the Internet that discusses the Linux kernel and all of the modules. However, probably the best advice is to start slow and simply remove a couple unneeded features, recompile, install the kernel, and try it. Since each kernel version can have different configuration options and module names, it is not possible simply to provide the Beowulf user a list of kernel configuration options in this book. Some basic principles can be outlined, however.
Think compute server: Most compute servers don't need support for amateur radio networking. Nor do most compute servers need sound support, unless of course your Beowulf will be used to provide a new type of parallel sonification. The list for what is really needed for a compute server is actually quite small. IrDA (infrared), quality of service, ISDN, ARCnet, Appletalk, Token ring, WAN, AX.25, USB support, mouse support, joysticks, and telephony are probably all useless for a Beowulf.
Optimize for your CPU: By default, many distributions ship their kernels compiled for the first-generation Pentium CPUs, so they will work on the widest range of machines. For your high-performance Beowulf, however, compiling the kernel to use the most advanced CPU instruction set available for your CPU can be an important optimization.
Optimize for the number of processors: If the target server has only one CPU, don't compile a symmetric multiprocessing kernel, because this adds unneeded locking overhead to the kernel.
Remove firewall or denial-of-service protections: Since Linux is usually optimized for Web serving or the desktop, kernel features to prevent or reduce the severity of denial-of-services attacks are often compiled into the kernel. Unfortunately, an extremely intense parallel program that is messaging bound can flood the interface with traffic, often resembling a denial-of-service attack. Indeed, some people have said that many a physicist's MPI program is actually a denial-of-service attack on the Beowulf cluster. Removing the special checks and detection algorithms can make the Beowulf more vulnerable, but the hardware is generally purchased with the intent to provide the most compute cycles per dollar possible, and putting it behind a firewall is relatively easy compared with securing and hampering every node's computation to perform some additional security checks. Section 5.6.2 discusses the use of firewalls with Beowulf clusters in more detail.
Many Beowulf users slim down their kernel and even remove loadable module support. Since most hardware for a Beowulf is known, and scientific applications are very unlikely to require dynamic modules be loaded and unloaded while they are running, many administrators simply compile the required kernel code into the core. Particularly careful selection of kernel features can trim the kernel from a 1.5-megabyte compressed file with 10 megabytes of possible loadable modules to a 600-kilobyte compressed kernel image with no loadable modules. Some of the kernel features that should be considered for Beowulfs include the following:
NFS: While NFS does not scale to hundreds of node, it is very convenient for small clusters.
Serial console: Rather than using KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) switches or plugging a VGA (video graphics array) cable directly into a node, it is often very convenient to use a serial concentrator to aggregate 32 serial consoles into one device that the system administrator can control.
Kernel IP configuration: This lets the kernel get its IP address from BOOTP or DHCP, often convenient for initial deployment of servers.
NFS root: Diskless booting is an important configuration for some Beowulfs. NFS root permits the node to mount the basic distribution files such as '/etc/passwd' from an NFS server.
Special high-performance network drivers: Often, an extreme performance Beowulf will use high-speed networking, such as Gigabit Ethernet or Myrinet. Naturally, those specialized drivers as well as the more common 100BT Ethernet driver can be compiled into the kernel.
A file system: Later in this chapter a more thorough discussion of file systems for Linux will be presented. It is important the kernel is compiled to support the file system chosen for the compute nodes
Because of the flexibility of Linux, many options are available to the cluster builder. While certainly most clusters are built using a local hard drive for booting the operating system, it is certainly not required. Network booting permits the kernel to be loaded from a network-attached server. Generally, a specialized network adapters or system BIOS is required. Until recently, there were no good standards in place for networking booting commodity hardware. Now, however, most companies are offering network boot-capable machines in their high-end servers. The most common standard is the Intel PXE 2.0 net booting mechanism. On such machines, the firmware boot code will request a network address and kernel from a network attached server, and then receive the kernel using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). Unfortunately, the protocol is not very scalable, and attempting to boot more than a dozen or so nodes simultaneously will yield very poor results. Large Beowulfs attempting to use network boot protocols must carefully consider the number of simultaneously booting nodes or provide multiple TFTP servers and separate Ethernet collision domains. For a Linux cluster, performing a network boot and then mounting the local hard drive for the remainder of the operating system does not seem advantageous; it probably would have been much simpler to store the kernel on hard drive. However, network booting can be important for some clusters if it is used in conjunction with diskless nodes.
Some applications and environments can work quite well without the cost or management overhead of a hard drive. For example, in secure or classified computing environments, secondary storage can require special, labor-intensive procedures. In some environments, operating system kernels and distributions may need to be switched frequently, or even between runs of an application program. Reinstalling the operating system on each compute node to switch over the system is generally difficult, as would maintaining multiple hard disk partitions with different operating systems or configurations. In such cases, building the Beowulf without the operating system on the local hard drive, if it even exists, can be a good solution. Diskless operation also has the added benefit of making it possible to maintain only one operating system image, rather than having to propagate changes across the system to all of the Beowulf nodes.
For diskless operations, naturally, Linux can accommodate where other systems may not be so flexible. A complete explanation of network booting and NFS-root mechanisms is beyond the scope of this book (but they are documented in the 'Diskless-HOWTO' and 'Diskless-root-NFS-HOWTO') and certainly is a specialty area for Beowulf machines. However, a quick explanation of the technology will help provide the necessary insight to guide your decision in this regard.
In addition to hardware that is capable of performing a network boot and a server to dole out kernels to requesting nodes, a method for accessing the rest of the operating system is required. The kernel is only part of a running machine. Files such as '/etc/passwd' and '/etc/resolv.conf' also need to be available to the diskless server. In Linux, NFS root provides this capability. A kernel built with NFS root capability can mount the root file system from a remote machine using NFS. Operating system files such as dynamic libraries, configuration files, and other important parts of the complete operating system can be accessed transparently from the remote machine via NFS. As with network booting, there are certain limitations to the scalability of NFS root for a large Beowulf. In Section 3.2.6, a more detailed discussion of NFS scalability is presented. In summary, diskless operation is certainly an important option for a Beowulf builder but remains technically challenging.
For most users, the kernel shipped with their Linux distribution will be adequate for their Beowulf. Sometimes, however, there are advantages to downloading a newer kernel. Occasionally a security weakness has been solved, or some portion of TCP/IP has been improved, or a better, faster, more stable device driver arrives with the new kernel. Downloading and compiling a new kernel may seem difficult but is really not much harder than compiling the kernel that came with the distribution.
The first step is to download a new kernel from The importance of reading the online documents, readme files, and instructions cannot be overstated. As mentioned earlier, sticking with a "stable" (even minor version) kernel is recommended over the "development" (odd minor version) kernel for most Beowulf users. It is also important to understand how far forward you can move your system simply by adding a new kernel. The kernel is not an isolated piece of software. It interfaces with a myriad of program and libraries. For example, the Linux mount command file system interfaces to the kernel; should significant changes to the kernel occur, a newer, compatible mount command may also need to be upgraded. Usually, however, the most significant link between the kernel and the rest of the operating system programs occurs with what most people call libc. This is a library of procedures that must be linked with nearly every single Linux program. It contains everything from the printf function to routines to generate random numbers. The library libc is tied very closely to the kernel version, and since almost every program on the system is tied closely to libc, the kernel and LibC must be in proper version synchronization. Of course, all of the details can be found at, or as a link from that site.
The next step is to determine whether you can use a "stock" kernel. While every major distribution company uses as a starting point a stock kernel downloaded from, companies often apply patches or fixes to the kernel they ship on the CD-ROM. These minor tweaks and fixes are done to support the market for which the distribution is targeted or to add some special functionality required for their user base or to distinguish their product. For example, one distribution company may have a special relationship with a RAID device manufacturer and include a special device driver with their kernel that is not found in the stock kernel. Or a distribution company may add support for a high-performance network adapter or even modify a tuning parameter deep in the kernel to achieve higher performance over the stock kernels. Since the distribution company often modifies the stock kernel, several options are available for upgrading the kernel:
Download the kernel from the distribution company's Web site instead of In most cases, the distribution company will make available free, upgraded versions of the kernel with all of their distribution-specific modifications already added.
Download the kernel from, and simply ignore the distribution-dependent modifications to the kernel. Unless you have a special piece of hardware not otherwise supported by the stock kernel, it is usually safe to use the stock kernel. However, any performance tuning performed by the distribution company would not have been applied to the newly download kernel.
Port the kernel modification to the newer kernel yourself. Generally, distribution companies try to make it very clear where changes have been made. Normally, for example, you could take a device driver from the kernel that shipped with your distribution and add it to the newer stock kernel if that particular device driver was required.
Of course, all of this may sound a little complicated to the first-time Beowulf user. However, none of these improvements or upgrades are required. They are by the very nature of Linux freely available to users to take or leave as they need or see fit. Unless you know that a new kernel will solve some existing problem or security issue, it is probably good advice to simply trim the kernel down, as described earlier, and use what was shipped with your distribution.
Linux supports an amazing number of file systems. Because of its modular kernel and the virtual file system interface used within the kernel, dynamically loaded modules can be loaded and unloaded on the fly to support whatever file system is being mounted. For Beowulf, however, simplicity is usually a good rule of thumb. Even through there are a large number of potential file systems to compile into the kernel, most Beowulf users will require only one or two.
The de facto standard file system on Linux is the second extended file system, commonly called EXT2. EXT2 has been performing well as the standard file system for years. It is fast and extremely stable. Every Beowulf should compile the EXT2 file system into the kernel. It does, unfortunately, have one drawback, which can open the door to including support for (and ultimately choosing) another file system. EXT2 is not a "journaling" file system.
The idea behind a journaling file system is quite simple: Make sure that all of the disk writes are performed in such a way as to ensure the disk always remains in a consistent state or can easily be put in a consistent state. That is usually not the case with nonjournaling file systems like EXT2. Flipping off the power while Linux is writing to an EXT2 file system can often leave it in an inconsistent state. When the machine reboots, a file system check, or fsck, must be run to put the disk file system back into a consistent state. Performing such a check is not a trivial matter. It is often very time consuming. One rule of thumb is that it requires one hour for every 100 gigabytes of used disk space. If a server has a large RAID array, it is almost always a good idea to use a journaling file system, to avoid the painful delays that can occur when rebooting from a crash or power outage. However, for a Beowulf compute node, the choice of a file system is not so clear.
Journaling file systems are slightly slower than nonjournaling file systems for writing to the disk. Since the journaling file system must keep the disk in a consistent state even if the machine were to suddenly crash (although not likely with Linux), the file system must write a little bit of extra accounting information, the "journal," to the disk first. This information enables the exact state of the file system to be tracked and easily restored should the node fail. That little bit of extra writing to the disk is what makes journaling file systems so stable, but it also slows them down a little bit.
If a Beowulf user expects many of the programs to be disk-write bound, it may be worth considering simply using EXT2, the standard nonjournaling file system. Using EXT2 will eke out the last bit of disk performance for a compute node's local file writes. However, as described earlier, should a node fail during a disk write, there is a chance that the file system will be corrupt or require an fsck that could take several minutes or several hours depending on the size of the file system. Many parallel programs use the local disk simply as a scratch disk to stage output files that then must be copied off the local node and onto the centralized, shared file system. In those cases, the limiting factor is the network I/O to move the partial results from the compute nodes to the central, shared store. Improving disk-write performance by using a nonjournaling file system would have little advantage in such cases, while the improved reliability and ease of use of a journaling file system would be well worth the effort.
Once again, unlike other legacy PC operating systems, Linux is blessed with a wide range of journaling file systems from which to choose. The most common are EXT3, ReiserFS, IBM's JFS, and SGI's XFS. EXT3 is probably the most convenient file system for existing Linux to tinker with. EXT3 uses the well-known EXT2 file formatting but adds journaling capabilities; it does not improve upon EXT2, however. ReiserFS, which was designed and implemented using more sophisticated algorithms than EXT2, is being used in the SuSE distribution. It generally has better performance characteristics for some operations, especially systems that have many, many small files or large directories. IBM's Journaling File System (JFS) and SGI's XFS files systems had widespread use with AIX and IRIX before being ported to Linux. Both file systems not only do journaling but were designed for the highest performance achievable when writing out large blocks of data from virtual memory to disk. For the user not highly experienced with file systems and recompiling the kernel, the final choice of journaling file system should be based not on the performance characteristics but on the support provided by the Linux distribution, local Linux users, and the completeness of Linux documentation for the software.
While most Linux clusters use a local file system for scratch data, it is often convenient to use network-based or distributed file systems to share data. A network-based file system allows the node to access a remote machine for file reads and writes. Most common and most popular is the network file system, NFS, which has been around for about two decades. An NFS client can mount a remote file system over an IP (Internet Protocol) network. The NFS server can accept file access requests from many remote clients and store the data locally. NFS is also standardized across platforms, making it convenient for a Linux client to mount and read and write files from a remote server, which could be anything from a Sun desktop to a Cray supercomputer.
Unfortunately, NFS does have two shortcomings for the Beowulf user: scalability and synchronization. Most Linux clusters find it convenient to have each compute node mount the user's home directory from a central server. In this way, a user in the typical edit, compile, and run development loop can recompile the parallel program and then spawn the program onto the Beowulf, often with the use of an mpiexec or PBS command, which are covered in Chapters 8 and 17, respectively. While using NFS does indeed make this operation convenient, the result can be a B3 (big Beowulf bottleneck). Imagine for a moment that the user's executable was 5 megabytes, and the user was launching the program onto a 256-node Linux cluster. Since essentially every single server node would NFS mount and read the single executable from the central file server, 1,280 megabytes would need to be sent across the network via NFS from the file server. At 50 percent efficiency with 100-baseT Ethernet links, it would take approximately 3.4 minutes simply to transfer the executable to the compute nodes for execution. To make matters worse, NFS servers generally have difficulty scaling to that level of performance for simultaneous connections. For most Linux servers, NFS performance begins to seriously degrade if the cluster is larger than 64 nodes. Thus, while NFS is extremely convenient for smaller clusters, it can become a serious bottleneck for larger machines. Synchronization is also an issue with NFS. Beowulf users should not expect to use NFS as a means of communicating between the computational nodes. In other words, compute nodes should not write or modify small data files on the NFS server with the expectation that the files can be quickly disseminated to other nodes. This is discussed more fully in Section 19.3.2.
The best technical solution would be a file system or storage system that could use a tree-based distribution mechanism and possibly use available high-performance network adapters such as Myrinet or Gigabit Ethernet to transfer files to and from the compute nodes. Unfortunately, while several such systems exist, they are research projects and do not have a pervasive user base. Other solutions such as shared global file systems, often using expensive fiber channel solutions, may increase disk bandwidth but are usually even less scalable. For generic file server access from the compute nodes to a shared server, NFS is currently the most common option.
Experimental parallel file systems are available, however, that address many of the shortcomings described earlier. Chapter 19 discusses PVFS, the Parallel Virtual File System. PVFS is different from NFS because it can distribute parts of the operating system to possibly hundreds of Beowulf nodes. When done properly, the bottleneck is no longer an Ethernet adapter or hard disk. Furthermore, PVFS provides parallel access, so many readers or writers can access file data concurrently. You are encouraged to explore PVFS as an option for distributed, parallel access to files.