Although we hope we have done a lot more than "scratch the surface" of Beowulf-style computing in this book there is of course much more to learn in every area, and keeping current in any area of computing remains a challenge. We recommend the reading list in Appendix B, which includes some other books in this series from MIT Press. Suggestions for further study are also given in individual chapters.
To keep abreast of the latest research in cluster computing, you might consider attending any of the several annual conferences and workshops devoted to related topics. Examples include the IEEE Cluster Conference (all aspects of clusters), Supercomputing (both research papers and vendor exhibits, especially high-end machines), EuroPVM/MPI (both applications and implementation research on MPI and PVM), and the multiple conferences devoted to Linux and to parallel computing in general.
Now that you have finished this book, it is time to put your new knowledge into practice. Go forth and compute!