Hack 15 Bookmark PDF Pages in Reader

figs/beginner.gif figs/hack15.gif

Create and maintain a list of PDF pages for rapid access.

Web browsers enable you to bookmark HTML pages, so why doesn't Adobe Reader enable you to bookmark PDF pages? Here is a JavaScript that extends Reader so that it can create bookmarks to specific PDF pages. It works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

The bookmarks created by this JavaScript aren't PDF bookmarks that get saved with the document. They behave more like web browser bookmarks in that they enable you to quickly return to a specific PDF page.

2.2.1 Bookmark JavaScript for Acrobat and Reader

Visit http://www.pdfhacks.com/bookmark_page/ to download the JavaScript in Example 2-1. Unzip it, and then copy it into your Acrobat or Reader JavaScripts directory. [Hack #96] explains where to find this directory on your platform. Restart Acrobat/Reader, and bookmark_page.js will add new items to your View menu.

Example 2-1. Adding bookmark functionality to Acrobat and Adobe Reader
// bookmark_page.js, ver. 1.0

// visit: http://www.pdfhacks.com/bookmark_page/

// use this delimiter for serializing our array

var bp_delim= '%#%#';

function SaveData( data ) {

  // data is an array of arrays that needs

  // to be serialized and stored into a persistent

  // global string

  var ds= '';

  for( ii= 0; ii< data.length; ++ii ) {

    for( jj= 0; jj< 3; ++jj ) {

      if( ii!= 0 || jj!= 0 )

        ds+= bp_delim;

      ds+= data[ii][jj];



  global.pdf_hacks_js_bookmarks= ds;

  global.setPersistent( "pdf_hacks_js_bookmarks", true );


function GetData( ) {

  // reverse of SaveData; return an array of arrays

  if( global.pdf_hacks_js_bookmarks== null ) {

    return new Array(0);


  var flat= global.pdf_hacks_js_bookmarks.split( bp_delim );

  var data= new Array( );

  for( ii= 0; ii< flat.length; ) {

    var record= new Array( );

    for( jj= 0; jj< 3 && ii< flat.length; ++ii, ++jj ) {

      record.push( flat[ii] );


    if( record.length== 3 ) {

      data.push( record );



  return data;


function AddBookmark( ) {

  // query the user for a name, and then combine it with

  // the current PDF page to create a record; store this record

  var label= 

    app.response( "Bookmark Name:",

                  "Bookmark Name",


                  false );

  if( label!= null ) {

    var record= new Array(3);

    record[0]= label;

    record[1]= this.path;

    record[2]= this.pageNum;

    data= GetData( );

    data.push( record );

    SaveData( data );



function ShowBookmarks( ) {

  // show a pop-up menu; this seems to work only when

  // a PDF is already in the viewer;

  var data= GetData( );

  var items= '';

  for( ii= 0; ii< data.length; ++ii ) {

    if( ii!= 0 )

      items+= ', ';

    items+= '"'+ ii+ ': '+ data[ii][0]+ '"';


  // assemble the command and then execute it with eval( )

  var command= 'app.popUpMenu( '+ items+ ' );';

  var selection= eval( command );

  if( selection== null ) {

    return; // exit


  // the user made a selection; parse out its index and use it

  // to access the bookmark record

  var index= 0;

  // toString( ) converts the String object to a string literal

  // eval( ) converts the string literal to a number

  index= eval( selection.substring( 0, selection.indexOf(':') ).toString( ) );

  if( index< data.length ) {

    try {

      // the document must be 'disclosed' for us to have any access

      // to its properties, so we use these FirstPage NextPage calls


      app.openDoc( data[index][1] );

      app.execMenuItem( "FirstPage" );

      for( ii= 0; ii< data[index][2]; ++ii ) {

        app.execMenuItem( "NextPage" );



    catch( ee ) {

      var response= 

        app.alert("Error trying to open the requested document.\nShould 

I remove this bookmark?", 2, 2);

      if( response== 4 && index< data.length ) {

        data.splice( index, 1 );

        SaveData( data );





function DropBookmark( ) {

  // modeled after ShowBookmarks( )

  var data= GetData( );

  var items= '';

  for( ii= 0; ii< data.length; ++ii ) {

    if( ii!= 0 )

      items+= ', ';

    items+= '"'+ ii+ ': '+ data[ii][0]+ '"';


  var command= 'app.popUpMenu( '+ items+ ' );';

  var selection= eval( command );

  if( selection== null ) {

    return; // exit


  var index= 0;

  index= eval( selection.substring( 0, selection.indexOf(':') ).toString( ) );

  if( index< data.length ) {

    data.splice( index, 1 );

    SaveData( data );



function ClearBookmarks( ) {

  if( app.alert("Are you sure you want to erase all bookmarks?", 2, 2 )== 4 ) {

    SaveData( new Array(0) );



app.addMenuItem( {

cName: "-",              // menu divider

cParent: "View",         // append to the View menu

cExec: "void(0);" } );

app.addMenuItem( {

cName: "Bookmark This Page &5",

cParent: "View",

cExec: "AddBookmark( );",

cEnable: "event.rc= (event.target != null);" } );

app.addMenuItem( {

cName: "Go To Bookmark &6",

cParent: "View",

cExec: "ShowBookmarks( );",

cEnable: "event.rc= (event.target != null);" } );

app.addMenuItem( {

cName: "Remove a Bookmark",

cParent: "View",

cExec: "DropBookmark( );",

cEnable: "event.rc= (event.target != null);" } );

app.addMenuItem( {

cName: "Clear Bookmarks",

cParent: "View",

cExec: "ClearBookmarks( );",

cEnable: "event.rc= true;" } );

2.2.2 Running the Hack

When you find a PDF page you want to bookmark, select View Bookmark This Page, or use the Windows key combination Alt-V, 5. A dialog will ask you for the bookmark's name. Enter a title and click OK.

The bookmarks you create persist across Acrobat/Reader sessions because the data is stored in a persistent, global JavaScript variable. Acrobat/Reader stores persistent data in a text file named glob.js in the JavaScripts directory.

To activate a bookmark, some PDF document (any PDF document) must already be open in the viewer. This is due to a quirk in Acrobat's JavaScript pop-up menu. Select View Go To Bookmark, or use the Windows key combination Alt-V, 6. A pop-up menu appears, showing your bookmark titles. Select a title, and that PDF will open in the viewer and then advance to the bookmarked page.

Remove a bookmark by selecting View Remove a Bookmark. A pop-up menu will show all of your current bookmarks. Select a bookmark, and it will be removed permanently.

The pop-up menu of bookmarks appears as a floating menu next to where the View menu was. That floating menu does work. Also, you'll need to have a PDF file open for the bookmark choices on the View menu to be active.