Moving to and Maintaining Mac OS X

There are two basic paths to follow when you install Mac OS X version 10.3. One path is for those users who are currently using an earlier version of Mac OS X, such as version 10.1 or 10.2. The other path is for those users who are making the jump from Mac OS 9.x.x or earlier. Not coincidentally, two major sections in this appendix describe how to make the transition to version 10.3 via either path. The section called "Moving to Version 10.3 from Previous Versions of Mac OS X" will help you if you are already using a version of Mac OS X. The section called "Moving to Version 10.3 from Mac OS 9.x.x or Earlier" will guide you through the process of moving from older Mac OS versions to OS X. Obviously, you need to read whichever section is applicable to your situation.

After version 10.3 installation is complete, you should review the section titled "Updating Your Mac OS X Installation" regardless of which installation path you followed.

    Part I: Mac OS X: Exploring the Core
    Part III: Mac OS X: Living the Digital Life