Adding Clip Art



Double-click the clip-art slide object.


The Select Picture dialog box opens. Click the scroll arrows to scroll through the clip-art collection.


Click the image you want to add to your presentation and click OK.


PowerPoint adds the clip art to the slide.


If you choose a layout that includes a placeholder slide object for clip art, you can use the Select Picture dialog box to browse the available clip art that installs with PowerPoint 2003. Clip art is simply a collection of pre-drawn images. Clip art can also include photos, sound, and motion clips.


Searching for an Image

If you are looking for a specific type of drawing, you can type a keyword in the Search Text field in the Select Picture dialog box, then click the Go button. PowerPoint locates any matching clip art and displays it in the list box.


Swapping Images

To exchange one clip-art image for another, first select the clip-art object and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Click or double-click the clip-art object box again to reopen the Select Picture dialog box, and choose another clip-art image.