Using the Shared Workspace Task Pane to Work with Your Site

From within Word, you can use the Shared Workspace task pane to work with your site. There are six action buttons (shown in Figure 27.2) you can use. The first shows the status of your workspace. For a currently open document, it will inform you that a copy of the document is stored in a document workspace. You can update the Workspace copy at any time by clicking the link provided.

The second button allows you to add or remove a member from the Workspace. We covered adding a member previously in this chapter. To remove a member, hover your mouse over the member's name and click the drop-down box that appears. Choose the option Remove Member from Workspace.

The third button allows you to manage the tasks associated with this shared workspace. You can add a new task or configure SharePoint to alert you about specific tasks. To add a new task, click the link at the bottom of the task pane to display the dialog shown in Figure 27.10.

Figure 27.10. You can add new tasks to your SharePoint site from Word.


You can enter a title, a status, a priority level, an assignee, and a description for your task. You can also assign a due date to your task. When you're done entering the information for your task, click OK.

The next action button, Documents, shows you all the documents associated with the shared workspace. Even though you created the Workspace from within your current document, you can add other documents to the Workspace by clicking the Add New Document link. You can also add a new folder to your shared workspace. Adding a folder allows you to categorize and separate your documents.

The Links button allows you to add external links to your shared workspace. You might want to add a link to the corporate intranet site or Internet sites used for research within your project.

The last action button, Document Information, displays information about who created the document, who last modified it, and when it was last modified. From this pane you can also restrict permission on the document, configure alerts, and view the version history for the document.

    Part I: Word Basics: Get Productive Fast
    Part II: Building Slicker Documents Faster
    Part III: The Visual Word: Making Documents Look Great
    Part IV: Industrial-Strength Document Production Techniques
    Part VI: The Corporate Word