
How to Solve Line- and Page-Break Problems Associated with File Conversions


Sometimes, line- and page-break problems are introduced after files are converted to Word 2003 format from other word processing programs and other platforms, such as the Macintosh. These may be associated with font substitutions Word makes when it cannot find the fonts originally used to create the document.

The best solution, if possible, is to install fonts that match those used on the system that created the original document. If this is not possible, you may sometimes be able to improve your results by changing the fonts Word substitutes. Doing so is covered in detail in "Using Font Substitution," in Chapter 31, "Customizing Word."

How to Fix Problems Associated with WordPerfect Conversions

Like most complex file converters, Word's WordPerfect import and export converters are not perfect.

Some inherent differences in the ways that Word and WordPerfect structure documents make it difficult for Microsoft (or anyone else) to implement a perfect converter. For example, WordPerfect places style definitions in a prefix for every document file, even if users don't specify styles. Word's conversion filter picks up these style definitions, sometimes using them in troublesome ways.

For example, WordPerfect style definitions that have the same name as Word's existing built-in style definitions override the Word definitions?so different documents with the same styles will look different, depending on where they were created.

The following resources may be helpful in understanding and troubleshooting WordPerfect conversions to Word:

  • Microsoft Office 2000 Deployment and Administration (Que, ISBN: 0-7897-1931-2), Chapter 18, "Migrating from or Coexisting with Legacy Applications."

  • Microsystems White Paper, "Making the Change from WordPerfect to Word in a Legal Environment," downloadable at (This page contains several excellent documents for troubleshooting unusual or buggy Word document behavior.)

  • Microsoft's Office for Windows Support Center, currently located at

    Part I: Word Basics: Get Productive Fast
    Part II: Building Slicker Documents Faster
    Part III: The Visual Word: Making Documents Look Great
    Part IV: Industrial-Strength Document Production Techniques
    Part VI: The Corporate Word