Space Usage with MDC Tables

The following section will use the table space MDCTS, defined as:

create tablespace mdcts pagesize 4k
  managed by database using (file 'd:\mdcts' 10000) extentsize 32

and the table T1, defined as:

create table t1(c1 varchar(30), c2 int, c3 int) organize by (c1, c2) in mdcts

for the basis of discussion.

Before creating the table, there will be four extents used for the container tag and three extents of table space overhead. The LIST TABLESPACES command does not show the pages used by the container tag, so the output of the command would show three extents used as follows:

Tablespace ID                                 = 3
  Name                                        = MDCTS
  Type                                        = Database managed space
  Contents                                    = Any data
  State                                       = 0x0000
    Detailed explanation:
  Total pages                                 = 10000
  Useable pages                               = 9952
  Used pages                                  = 96
  Free pages                                  = 9856
  High water mark (pages)                     = 96
  Page size (bytes)                           = 4096
  Extent size (pages)                         = 32
  Prefetch size (pages)                       = 32
  Number of containers                        = 1

Creating a table will use two extents for the data object and its extent map, two extents for the index object and its extent map, and two extents for the MDC table's block map and its extent map.


The first block or extent (Extent 0) of an MDC data object cannot hold any rows.

A block map is used to determine quickly and efficiently whether there are blocks in the table that have been emptied and disassociated from any existing cells and are therefore available for reuse. If there are no blocks available, a new block (extent) will need to be created in the table, and the block map will be extended to account for the new block. Therefore, creating the above table will require six additional extents in the table space. The output of the LIST TABLESPACES command after the table has been created would look like the following:

Tablespace ID                                 = 3
  Name                                        = MDCTS
  Type                                        = Database managed space
  Contents                                    = Any data
  State                                       = 0x0000
    Detailed explanation:
  Total pages                                 = 10000
  Useable pages                               = 9952
  Used pages                                  = 288
  Free pages                                  = 9664
  High water mark (pages)                     = 288
  Page size (bytes)                           = 4096
  Extent size (pages)                         = 32
  Prefetch size (pages)                       = 32
Number of containers                          = 1

When an MDC table is created, DB2 will automatically build at least one index, the block dimension index. Additional dimension indexes may also be created.

For the above table, there will be a block dimension index created on C2, C1. In addition, there will be two dimension indexes created, one on C1 and one on C2. To examine the indexes that are created, use the following statement:

select indname, colnames, indextype from syscat.indexes where tabname ='T1'

This statement would produce the following output:

INDNAME                                  COLNAMES              INDEXTYPE
------------------                       --------              ---------
SQL021118211811590                       +C2+C1                BLOK
SQL021118211811770                       +C2                   DIM
SQL021118211811780                       +C1                   DIM

As illustrated above, a dimension block index has a type of BLOK, and a dimension index has a type of DIM.


A normal RID index will have a type of REG.

Given the following delimited ASCII file, named file.del:

aaaaaaa,                     11,                                   9
bbb,                         22,                                  10
cccccc,                      33,                                  11
bbb,                         22,                                   7
dddd,                        44,                                   5

If the data is loaded into the MDC table t1 as follows:

load from file.del of del insert into t1

the data is selected from the table t1 as follows:

select * from t1

and the data is returned as follows:

C1                               C2                               C3
-------                          -------                          -------
aaaaaaa                          11                                9
bbb                              22                               10
bbb                              22                                7
cccccc                           33                               11
dddd                             44                                5

The sequence of rows returned is different from the sequence in which they were entered. The fourth row (bbb, 22, 7) in the input file is the third row in the output of the SELECT statement. The rows are retuned in this order because an MDC table places the rows with the same dimension keys, which are the values on dimension columns, in the same block. Therefore, the rows (bbb, 22, 10) and (bbb, 22, 7) are in the same block in the table and will therefore be read at the same time, and returned before the blocks containing (cccccc, 33, 11) and (dddd, 44, 5).


No special options are required to load into an MDC table.

In the above example, when the first row from the file is loaded, a new extent will be created, and the row will be placed in Extent 1 for the table. Therefore, the table would logically look like:


When the second row from the file is loaded, a new extent will be created, and the row will be placed in Extent 2 of the table. The table now logically looks like:


When the third row from the file is loaded, a new extent will be created, and the row will be placed in Extent 3 of the table. The table would logically look like:


When the fourth row from the file is loaded, the data in the dimension columns is the same as in row 2; therefore, the row will be placed in the same extent as row 2 (Extent 2). The table now logically looks like:


When the fifth row from the file is loaded, a new extent will be created, and the row will be placed in Extent 4 of the table. The table now logically looks like:


Therefore, an additional four extents of data are created when inserting the data into the table. In total, there would be 10 extents used for this data, the block map, and the indexes for this table.

The next example uses the following table:

create table city(name char(30), zipcode char(10), state char(2)) organize by (state)

with the following data inserted into the table:

Phoenix,                      85001,                      AZ
Los Angeles                   90001,                      CA
Tempe,                        85820,                      AZ
San Francisco,                94101,                      CA
Boston,                       02101,                      MA
San Diego,                    92126,                      CA
Tiburon,                      94920,                      CA
Buffalo,                      14201,                      NY
Albany,                       12202,                      NY
Chicago,                      60601,                      IL
Kansas City,                  64101,                      MO
Kansas City,                  66101,                      KS

This will require seven new extents in the table's data object because there are seven distinct values for the dimension column, STATE.

When the data is selected from the table CITY, as follows:

select * from city

the data is returned as follows:

NAME                           ZIPCODE                           STATE
-------------                  -------                           -----
Phoenix                        85001                             AZ
Tempe                          85280                             AZ
Los Angeles                    90001                             CA
San Francisco                  94101                             CA
San Diego                      92126                             CA
Tiburon                        94920                             CA
Boston                         02101                             MA
Buffalo                        14201                             NY
Albany                         12201                             NY
Chicago                        60601                             IL
Kansas City                    64101                             MO
Kansas City                    66101                             KS

The table would logically look like Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7. Logical view of the MDC table.
