

In this chapter, we have examined how to manage and monitor processes. Since processes and threads are the entities that actually carry out the execution of applications, it’s important that administrators understand how to send signals to manage their activity.



Which of the following statements is true?

  1. A shell can spawn another shell or application

  2. A shell can spawn another shell, but not an application

  3. A shell cannot spawn another shell, but can spawn an application

  4. A shell can never spawn another shell or application

 A. A shell can spawn any type of application, or another shell.


What is a process ID?

  1. A string corresponding to the name of the application executed

  2. A randomly generated string that distinguishes one process from another

  3. A class associated with a process’s allocated priority

  4. A sequentially allocated integer that distinguishes one process from another

 D. A sequentially allocated integer that distinguishes one process from another. When the maximum PID is allocated, new PIDs are allocated from 1 again. However, PIDs associated with running processes are never duplicated.


A process that can have its effective ownership changed is known as what?

  1. A setGID process

  2. A magic number process

  3. A setUID process

  4. A process that has a magic cookie

 C. Effective ownership changes are always associated with a setUID process.


What is the ultimate parent PID for all processes on a system?

  1. a

  2. 1

  3. 0

  4. init

 B. All processes start with 1 and increase from there.


What does the acronym PPID stand for?

  1. Processor PID

  2. Priority PID

  3. Personal PID

  4. Parent PID

 D. A process that spawns a child process is known as a parent.


What does the acronym STIME stand for?

  1. Process starting time

  2. Standard process execution time

  3. Single process execution time

  4. Time zone environment variable

 A. STIME represents a process starting time.


What is the acronym for the memory address of sleeping processes?


  2. ADDR

  3. WCHAN


 C. WCHAN is the acronym.


What command sequence is used to suspend a process?

  1. CTRL-C

  2. ESC-C

  3. CTRL-Z

  4. ESC-Z

 C. Hold down the CTRL key and press Z on the keyboard.


How can the kill command be used to send a SIGHUP to pid 2192?

  1. kill -1 2192

  2. kill -2 2192

  3. kill -3 2192

  4. kill -9 2192

 A. A SIGHUP is represented by 1.


How can the kill command be used to send a SIGKILL to pid 2192?

  1. kill -1 2192

  2. kill -2 2192

  3. kill -3 2192

  4. kill -9 2192

 D. A SIGKILL is represented by 9.



A. A shell can spawn any type of application, or another shell.


D. A sequentially allocated integer that distinguishes one process from another. When the maximum PID is allocated, new PIDs are allocated from 1 again. However, PIDs associated with running processes are never duplicated.


C. Effective ownership changes are always associated with a setUID process.


B. All processes start with 1 and increase from there.


D. A process that spawns a child process is known as a parent.


A. STIME represents a process starting time.


C. WCHAN is the acronym.


C. Hold down the CTRL key and press Z on the keyboard.


A. A SIGHUP is represented by 1.


D. A SIGKILL is represented by 9.

Part I: Solaris 9 Operating Environment, Exam I