14.3 Abstract Classes and Interfaces

When developing class hierarchies, it's often useful to insert extra classes to help logically organize code or to provide a base for polymorphic behavior.

14.3.1 The abstract keyword

Abstract classes are available in PHP5.

In Example 14-1, we defined a set of related classes to describe shapes that includes a base class Shape and its two member functions color( ) and sides( ). Let's suppose we want to add a function area( ) that calculates the area of a shape. If we want to allow the area to be calculated for all Shape objects, then the function must be made available in the Shape class.

However, unlike the color( ) and sides( ) functions, the area( ) function can only be implemented in the descendant classes because area calculations vary from shape to shape. The area of a circle is calculated using the radius, while a rectangle uses height and width, and so on. Using the abstract keyword, PHP5 allows you to define member functions without having to define an implementation. However, a class that contains an abstract function can't be used to create objects, and must also be defined as abstract. Example 14-2 shows how the Shapes class is redefined to include the abstract area( ) function.

Example 14-2. An abstract base class

abstract class Shape


    var $color;

    var $sides;

    function color( ) 


        return $this->color; 


    function sides( )


        return $this->sides;


    abstract function area( );

    function _  _construct($color, $sides)


        $this->color = $color;

        $this->sides = $sides;



class Circle extends Shape


    var $radius;

    function area( )


        return 2 * pi( ) * $this->radius;


    function _  _construct($color, $radius)


        $this->radius = $radius;

        parent::_  _construct($color, 1);



class Rectangle extends Shape


    var $width;

    var $height;

    function area( )


        return $this->width * $this->height;


    function _  _construct($color, $width, $height)


        $this->width = $width;

        $this->height = $height;

        parent::_  _construct($color, 4);



class Triangle extends Shape


    // The length of each side

    var $a;

    var $b;

    var $c;

    function area( )


        // Area using Heron's formula

        $s = ($this->a + $this->b + $this->c)/2;

        $area = sqrt(

            $s * ($s - $this->a) * ($s - $this->b) * ($s - $this->c)


        return $area;


    function _  _construct($color, $a, $b, $c)


        $this->a = $a;

        $this->b = $b;

        $this->c = $c;

        parent::_  _construct($color, 3);




Example 14-2 includes three classes?Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle?that extend the abstract Shape class and provide shape specific implementations of the abstract function area( ). (We have also removed the Polygon class and the angles( ) function to help simplify the example.)

The following fragment shows which classes from Example 14-2 can be used:

require 'example.14-2.php';

$t = new Triangle("yellow", 2, 3, 4);

$c = new Circle("blue", 5);

$r = new Rectangle("green", 2, 4);

print "Area of our triangle = {$t->area( )} sq units\n";

print "Area of our circle = {$c->area( )} sq units\n";

print "Area of our rectangle = {$r->area( )} sq units\n";

// The following line causes a fatal error because Shape is abstract

$s = new Shape("green", 5);

Before the fatal error caused by the attempt to create an object from the abstract class Shape, the previous example prints:

Area of our triangle = 2.9047375096556 sq units

Area of our circle = 31.415926535898 sq units

Area of our rectangle = 8 sq units

There are a few rules to observe when defining abstract classes and functions:

  • An abstract member function can't contain a body definition.

  • A class must be declared as abstract if it contains any abstract functions.

  • You can declare protected and public functions as abstract, however, it is an error to declare a private function as abstract.

  • Any descendant classes that don't implement an abstract function defined in a base class must also be declared as abstract.

14.3.2 Interfaces

Interfaces are available in PHP5.

Interfaces provide another way of describing functionality in a class hierarchy. An interface defines member functions without providing any implementation, and class definitions implement those functions. Interfaces are defined using the interface keyword, and class definitions use interfaces with the implements keyword. An example is shown in Example 14-3:

Example 14-3. Using Interfaces

interface Audible


    function sound( );


class Animal implements Audible


    var $name;

    var $says;

    var $legs;

    function sound( )


        return $this->says;


    function name( )


        return $this->name;


    function numberOfLegs( )




    function _  _construct($name, $says, $legs)


        $this->name = $name;

        $this->says = $says;

        $this->legs = $legs;




The Audible interface defined in Example 14-3 acts like an abstract base class for the Animal class: you can't create Audible objects directly, but an Animal object can be used as if it were an Audible object. Classes that specify an interface with the implements keyword must implement all the functions from the interface.

Interfaces are useful for implementing polymorphic behavior and are commonly used to relate classes that otherwise would not be related. For example, a Trumpet class wouldn't necessarily be related to the Animal class, however we may want to generically process objects from both classes as Audible:

// access to the Audible interface

require "example.14-3.php";

class Trumpet implements Audible


    function sound( )


        return "Toot";


    // Other functions that support a Trumpet 

    // ...

    function orchestraSection( )


        return "Brass";



To further illustrate the point, we can implement the sound( ) function for the Triangle class we defined earlier:

// access to the Shape class

require "example.14-1.php";

// access to the Audible interface

require "example.14-3.php";

class Triangle extends Shape implements Audible


    // The length of each side

    var $a;

    var $b;

    var $c;

    function sound( )


        return "Ding";


    function area( )


        // Area using Heron's formula

        $s = ($this->a + $this->b + $this->c)/2;

        $area = sqrt(

            $s * ($s - $this->a) * ($s - $this->b) * ($s - $this->c)


        return $area;


    function _  _construct($color, $a, $b, $c)


        $this->a = $a;

        $this->b = $b;

        $this->c = $c;

        parent::_  _construct($color, 3);



Now Animal, Trumpet, and Triangle objects can all be treated as Audible objects:

// Create an empty array to hold some objects

$things = array( );

// Add some objects

// An Animal is constructed with a name, sound, and leg count

$things[] = new Animal("Cow", "Moo", 4);

// A Trumpet is constructed without any parameters

$things[] = new Trumpet;

// A Triangle is constructed with a color, and the 

// length of the three sides

$things[] = new Triangle("Silver", 3, 3, 3);

// A Circle is constructed with a color and a radius

$things[] = new Circle("Blue", 5);

// Check out the sound

foreach ($things as $t)


    if ($t instanceof Audible)

        print $t->sound( );


Interfaces also provide a mechanism for exposing subsets of a class's functionality. When a Triangle is being used as an Audible object, we only care about the sound( ) member function. The code in the above example would still work even if we change the names of the other Triangle member functions: because Triangle implements Audible, we can be sure that a Triangle can be used as an Audible object.

Functions can intentionally limit how an object is used using class type hints. Consider a function that works with Audible objects:

// return a formatted string to represent sound

function showSound(Audible $obj)


    return "!! {$obj->sound( )} !!";


The function showSound( ) can only use $obj parameter if it's an Audible object because the parameter is declared as Audible. An interface acts like a contract: classes that implement an interface are guaranteed to support a defined set of functions, while users of an interface warrant only to use those functions.

PHP allows multiple interfaces to be implemented in a class definition by including a comma-separated list of interface names after the implements keyword. This allows a class definition to use interfaces to formally describe how it can be used in different circumstances. We have shown how several different classes can implement the Audible interface; we can just as easily add other interfaces such as a WebDisplayable interfaces that defines functions for rendering the object as HTML. Of course, each class that implements an interface must support the functions it describes.