20.1 Persistent Database Connections with Apache::DBI

When people first started to use the Web, they found that they needed to write web interfaces to their databases, or add databases to drive their web interfaces. Whichever way you look at it, they needed to connect to the databases in order to use them.

CGI is the most widely used protocol for building such interfaces, implemented in Apache's mod_cgi and its equivalents. For working with databases, the main limitation of most implementations, including mod_cgi, is that they don't allow persistent connections to the database. For every HTTP request, the CGI script has to connect to the database, and when the request is completed the connection is closed. Depending on the relational database that you use, the time to instantiate a connection may be very fast (for example, MySQL) or very slow (for example, Oracle). If your database provides a very short connection latency, you may get away without having persistent connections. But if not, it's possible that opening a connection may consume a significant slice of the time to serve a request. It may be that if you can cut this overhead you can greatly improve the performance of your service.

Apache::DBI was written to solve this problem. When you use it with mod_perl, you have a database connection that persists for the entire life of a mod_perl process. This is possible because with mod_perl, the child process does not quit when a request has been served. When a mod_perl script needs to use a database, Apache::DBI immediately provides a valid connection (if it was already open) and your script starts doing the real work right away without having to make a database connection first.

Of course, the persistence doesn't help with any latency problems you may encounter during the actual use of the database connections. Oracle, for example, is notorious for generating a network transaction for each row returned. This slows things down if the query execution matches many rows.

You may want to read Tim Bunce's "Advanced DBI" talk, at http://dbi.perl.org/doc/conferences/tim_1999/index.html, which covers many techniques to reduce latency.

20.1.1 Apache::DBI Connections

The DBI module can make use of the Apache::DBI module. When the DBI module loads, it tests whether the environment variable $ENV{MOD_PERL} is set and whether the Apache::DBI module has already been loaded. If so, the DBI module forwards every connect( ) request to the Apache::DBI module.

When Apache::DBI gets a connect( ) request, it checks whether it already has a handle with the same connect( ) arguments. If it finds one, it checks that the connection is still valid using the ping( ) method. If this operation succeeds, the database handle is returned immediately. If there is no appropriate database handle, or if the ping( ) method fails, Apache::DBI establishes a new connection, stores the handle, and then returns the handle to the caller.

It is important to understand that the pool of connections is not shared between the processes. Each process has its own pool of connections.

When you start using Apache::DBI, there is no need to delete all the disconnect( ) statements from your code. They won't do anything, because the Apache::DBI module overloads the disconnect( ) method with an empty one. You shouldn't modify your scripts at all for use with Apache::DBI.

20.1.2 When to Use Apache::DBI (and When Not to Use It)

You will want to use the Apache::DBI module only if you are opening just a few database connections per process. If there are ten child processes and each opens two different connections (using different connect( ) arguments), in total there will be 20 opened and persistent connections.

This module must not be used if (for example) you have many users, and a unique connection (with unique connect( ) arguments) is required for each user.[1] You cannot ensure that requests from one user will be served by any particular process, and connections are not shared between the child processes, so many child processes will open a separate, persistent connection for each user. In the worst case, if you have 100 users and 50 processes, you could end up with 5,000 persistent connections, which might be largely unused. Since database servers have limitations on the maximum number of opened connections, at some point new connections will not be permitted, and eventually your service will become unavailable.

[1] That is, database user connections. This doesn't mean that if many people register as users on your web site you shouldn't use Apache::DBI; it is only a very special case.

If you want to use Apache::DBI but you have both situations on one machine, at the time of writing the only solution is to run two mod_perl-enabled servers, one that uses Apache::DBI and one that does not.

In mod_perl 2.0, a threaded server can be used, and this situation is much improved. Assuming that you have a single process with many threads and each unique open connection is needed by only a single thread, it's possible to have a pool of database connections that are reused by different threads.

20.1.3 Configuring Apache::DBI

Apache::DBI will not work unless mod_perl was built with:




during the perl Makefile.PL ... stage.

After installing this module, configuration is simple?just add a single directive to httpd.conf:

PerlModule Apache::DBI

Note that it is important to load this module before any other Apache*DBI module and before the DBI module itself. The best rule is just to load it first of all. You can skip preloading DBI at server startup, since Apache::DBI does that for you, but there is no harm in leaving it in, as long as Apache::DBI is loaded first.

20.1.4 Debugging Apache::DBI

If you are not sure whether this module is working as advertised and that your connections are actually persistent, you should enable debug mode in the startup.pl script, like this:

$Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 1;

Starting with Apache::DBI Version 0.84, the above setting will produce only minimal output. For a full trace, you should set:

$Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 2;

After setting the DEBUG level, you will see entries in the error_log file. Here is a sample of the output with a DEBUG level of 1:

12851 Apache::DBI new connect to

12853 Apache::DBI new connect to

When a connection is reused, Apache::DBI stays silent, so you can see when a real connect( ) is called. If you set the DEBUG level to 2, you'll see a more verbose output. This output was generated after two identical requests with a single server running:

12885 Apache::DBI need ping: yes
12885 Apache::DBI new connect to
12885 Apache::DBI need ping: yes
12885 Apache::DBI already connected to

You can see that process 12885 created a new connection on the first request and on the next request reused it, since it was using the same connect( ) argument. Moreover, you can see that the connection was validated each time with the ping( ) method.

20.1.5 Caveats and Troubleshooting

This section covers some of the risks and things to keep in mind when using Apache::DBI. Database locking risks

When you use Apache::DBI or similar persistent connections, be very careful about locking the database (LOCK TABLE ...) or single rows. MySQL threads keep tables locked until the thread ends (i.e., the connection is closed) or until the tables are explicitly unlocked. If your session dies while tables are locked, they will stay locked, as your connection to the database won't be closed. In Chapter 6 we discussed how to terminate the program cleanly if the session is aborted prematurely. Transactions

A standard Perl script using DBI will automatically perform a rollback whenever the script exits. In the case of persistent database connections, the database handle will not be destroyed and hence no automatic rollback will occur. At first glance it even seems to be possible to handle a transaction over multiple requests, but the temptation should be avoided because different requests are handled by different mod_perl processes, and a mod_perl process does not know the state of a specific transaction that has been started by another mod_perl process.

In general, it is good practice to perform an explicit commit or rollback at the end of every script. To avoid inconsistencies in the database in case AutoCommit is Off and the script terminates prematurely without an explicit rollback, the Apache::DBI module uses a PerlCleanupHandler to issue a rollback at the end of every request. Opening connections with different parameters

When Apache::DBI receives a connection request, before it decides to use an existing cached connection it insists that the new connection be opened in exactly the same way as the cached connection. If you have one script that sets AutoCommit and one that does not, Apache::DBI will make two different connections. So, for example, if you have limited Apache to 40 servers at most, instead of having a maximum of 40 open connections, you may end up with 80.

These two connect( ) calls will create two different connections:

my $dbh = DBI->connect
    ("DBI:mysql:test:localhost", '', '',
      PrintError => 1, # warn( ) on errors
      RaiseError => 0, # don't die on error
      AutoCommit => 1, # commit executes immediately
    ) or die "Cannot connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

my $dbh = DBI->connect
    ("DBI:mysql:test:localhost", '', '',
      PrintError => 1, # warn( ) on errors
      RaiseError => 0, # don't die on error
      AutoCommit => 0, # don't commit executes immediately
    ) or die "Cannot connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

Notice that the only difference is in the value of AutoCommit.

However, you are free to modify the handle immediately after you get it from the cache, so always initiate connections using the same parameters and set AutoCommit (or whatever) afterward. Let's rewrite the second connect( ) call to do the right thing (i.e., not to create a new connection):

my $dbh = DBI->connect
    ("DBI:mysql:test:localhost", '', '',
      PrintError => 1, # warn( ) on errors
      RaiseError => 0, # don't die on error
      AutoCommit => 1, # commit executes immediately
    ) or die "Cannot connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; # don't commit if not asked to

When you aren't sure whether you're doing the right thing, turn on debug mode.

When the $dbh attribute is altered after connect( ), it affects all other handlers retrieving this database handle. Therefore, it's best to restore the modified attributes to their original values at the end of database handle usage. As of Apache::DBI Version 0.88, the caller has to do this manually. The simplest way to handle this is to localize the attributes when modifying them:

my $dbh = DBI->connect(...) ...
  local $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 40;

Here, the LongReadLen attribute overrides the value set in the connect( ) call or its default value only within the enclosing block.

The problem with this approach is that prior to Perl Version 5.8.0 it causes memory leaks. So the only clean alternative for older Perl versions is to manually restore $dbh's values:

my @attrs = qw(LongReadLen PrintError);
my %orig = ( );

my $dbh = DBI->connect(...) ...

# store the values away
$orig{$_} = $dbh->{$_} for @attrs;
# do local modifications
$dbh->{LongReadLen} = 40;
$dbh->{PrintError}  = 1;

# do something with the database handle
# ...

# now restore the values
$dbh->{$_} = $orig{$_} for @attrs;

Another thing to remember is that with some database servers it's possible to access more than one database using the same database connection. MySQL is one of those servers. It allows you to use a fully qualified table specification notation. So if there is a database foo with a table test and a database bar with its own table test, you can always use:

SELECT * FROM foo.test ...


SELECT * FROM bar.test ...

No matter what database you have used in the database name string in the connect( ) call (e.g., DBI:mysql:foo:localhost), you can still access both tables by using a fully qualified syntax.

Alternatively, you can switch databases with USE foo and USE bar, but this approach seems less convenient, and therefore error-prone. Cannot find the DBI handler

You must use DBI->connect( ) as in normal DBI usage to get your $dbh database handle. Using Apache::DBI does not eliminate the need to write proper DBI code. As the Apache::DBI manpage states, you should program as if you are not using Apache::DBI at all. Apache::DBI will override the DBI methods where necessary and return your cached connection. Any disconnect( ) calls will just be ignored. The morning bug

The SQL server keeps a connection to the client open for a limited period of time. In the early days of Apache::DBI, everyone was bitten by the so-called morning bug?every morning the first user to use the site received a "No Data Returned" message, but after that everything worked fine.

The error was caused by Apache::DBI returning an invalid connection handle (the server had closed it because of a timeout), and the script was dying on that error. The ping( ) method was introduced to solve this problem, but it didn't work properly until Apache::DBI Version 0.82 was released. In that version and after, ping( ) was called inside an eval block, which resolved the problem.

It's still possible that some DBD:: drivers don't have the ping( ) method implemented. The Apache::DBI manpage explains how to write it.

Another solution is to increase the timeout parameter when starting the database server. We usually start the MySQL server with the script safe_mysqld, so we modified it to use this option:

nohup $ledir/mysqld [snipped other options] -O wait_timeout=172800

The timeout value that we use is 172,800 seconds, or 48 hours. This change solves the problem, but the ping( ) method works properly in DBD::mysql as well. Apache:DBI does not work

If Apache::DBI doesn't work, first make sure that you have it installed. Then make sure that you configured mod_perl with either:




Turn on debug mode using the $Apache::DBI::DEBUG variable. Skipping connection cache during server startup

Does your error_log look like this?

10169 Apache::DBI PerlChildInitHandler
10169 Apache::DBI skipping connection cache during server startup
Database handle destroyed without explicit disconnect at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/DBI.pm line 29.

If so, you are trying to open a database connection in the parent httpd process. If you do, the children will each get a copy of this handle, causing clashes when the handle is used by two processes at the same time. Each child must have its own unique connection handle.

To avoid this problem, Apache::DBI checks whether it is called during server startup. If so, the module skips the connection cache and returns immediately without a database handle.

You must use the Apache::DBI->connect_on_init( ) method (see the next section) in the startup file to preopen a connection before the child processes are spawned.

    Part I: mod_perl Administration
    Part II: mod_perl Performance
    Part VI: Appendixes