B.10 Fixup Handlers

B.10.1 Apache::RefererBlock?Block Request Based Upon "Referer" Header

Apache::RefererBlock will examine each request. If the MIME type of the requested file is one of those listed in RefBlockMimeTypes, it will check the request's Referer header. If the referrer starts with one of the strings listed in RefBlockAllowed, access is granted. Otherwise, if there's a RefBlockRedirect directive for the referrer, a redirect is issued. If not, a "Forbidden" (403) error is returned.

Available from CPAN. See the module manpage for more information.

B.10.2 Apache::Usertrack?Emulate the mod_usertrack Apache Module

As of this writing no documentation is available.

Available from CPAN.

    Part I: mod_perl Administration
    Part II: mod_perl Performance
    Part VI: Appendixes