try statement

try statement Handles exceptions in statements

statement := try-block

try-block ::= try compound-statement handler-seq

function-try-block ::= try [ctor-initializer] function-body handler-seq

handler-seq ::= handler | handler-seq handler

handler ::= catch ( exception-declaration ) compound-statement

exception-declaration ::= type-specifier-seq declarator | 

    type-specifier-seq abstract-declarator | type-specifier-seq |  . . .

The try statement executes compound-statement, and if an exception is thrown in any of the statements within that compound statement (and not caught and handled by another try statement), the catch handlers are tested to see if any of them can handle the exception. Each catch handler is tested in turn. The first one to match the exception type handles the exception. If no handler matches, the exception propagates up the call stack to the next try statement. If there is no further try statement, terminate( ) is called.


int main(  )

try {

  run_program(  );

} catch(const exception& ex) {

  std::cerr << ex.what(  ) << '\n';

  abort(  );

} catch(...) {

  std::cerr << "Unknown exception. Program terminated.\n";

  abort(  );


See Also

catch, declarator, function, throw, type, Chapter 4, <exception> in Chapter 13