''IDbDataAdapter'' '''


System.Data (system.data.dll) interface

This interface represents a data adapter that bridges a data source and a DataSet object. This interface extends the IDataAdapter , which provides basic methods for transferring data to and from a data source by adding four properties that are specific to relational database use. These include DeleteCommand (the SQL statement used to delete records from the data source), InsertCommand (the SQL statement used to insert new records in the data source), UpdateCommand (the SQL statement used to update records in the data source), and SelectCommand (the SQL query used to retrieve records from the data source).

public interface IDbDataAdapter : IDataAdapter {
// Public Instance Properties
   public IDbCommand DeleteCommand{set; get; } 
   public IDbCommand InsertCommand{set; get; } 
   public IDbCommand SelectCommand{set; get; } 
   public IDbCommand UpdateCommand{set; get; } 

Implemented By

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter , System.Data.OracleClient.OracleDataAdapter , System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter

    Part I: ADO.NET Tutorial
    Part II: ADO.NET Core Classes
    Part III: API Quick Reference
    Chapter 34. The System.Data Namespace