InternalDataCollectionBase |
System.Data ( |
class |
This class provides the base functionality used by many of the
ADO.NET collection types, such as
ConstraintCollection ,
DataColumnCollection .
DataRelationCollection ,
DataRowCollection , and
DataTableCollection .
public class InternalDataCollectionBase : ICollection, IEnumerable {
// Public Constructors
public InternalDataCollectionBase( );
// Public Instance Properties
public virtual int Count{get; } // implements ICollection
public bool IsReadOnly{get; }
public bool IsSynchronized{get; } // implements ICollection
public object SyncRoot{get; } // implements ICollection
// Protected Instance Properties
protected virtual ArrayList List{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public void CopyTo( Array ar, int index); // implements ICollection
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator( ); // implements IEnumerable
, DataColumnCollection
, DataRelationCollection
, DataRowCollection
, DataTableCollection