
Review the questions and answers in this section to try to sharpen your Premiere video and audio effects skills. Also, take a few moments to tackle my short quiz and the exercises.



I shrink a clip, apply a 360-degree rotation to it, and have it stop in the middle of the screen. But when it flies off the screen it rotates counterclockwise and balloons back to full size. What's up?


The motion control settings apply only to the selected keyframe. All other keyframes, including the start- and endpoints, retain their default settings unless you change them. So if you want to maintain the shape and orientation of your clip as it flies offscreen, you need to select the endpoint and change those settings to match those applied to the previous keyframe.


I try using Premiere's new real-time preview, but when I press Enter all I see is some other portion of the project. What's up?


You need to define the render area. That's the yellow bar right at the top of the timeline. It's probably over another portion of your project. The easiest way to move it to your clip is to move the edit line to your clip and double-click the work area bar to set the yellow render markers to the beginning and end of the visible area in your current timeline. Drag the triangles at the end of that yellow bar to the clip you want to preview. Now press Enter to see the real-time preview.



How do you make an effect start within a clip rather than at the beginning?


Drag the effect's start box in the expanded track view to within the clip. If the effect has variable settings, you can set that value to its lowest number to gradually adjust the effect over the duration of the clip.


What's the difference between an audio red rubberband and a video red rubberband?


You use the audio red rubberband to adjust the volume within a clip. You use the video red rubberband to change opacity (more on that in Hours 14 and 15).


How do you make a clip start as a dot over a colored background in the upper-left corner of the screen and then grow to full size in the center of the screen?


Place your clip on Video 1, open the Motion Settings dialog box, move the start point to the upper-left corner of the visible area, and then select the endpoint and select Center. Select the start point and change Zoom to zero. Select a fill color using the color box or the Eyedropper tool. As an extra task, select the endpoint and give it a delay (30 is a good amount) to hold the image at the center of the screen for a little while.



Layer multiple video effects on the same clip. You might try, Crystallize, Solarize, and Replicate. Alternatively, apply Horizontal Hold and Vertical Hold to the same clip. Change the order to see whether that makes any difference.


Using the Black & White video effect can be abrupt. If you want a clip to gradually shift to Black & White, use the Razor tool to slice it, put the Black & White video effect on the second section, and add a cross-dissolve between the two clips.


Create a freeze frame and place it on Video 1. Select a number of clips that are related to that freeze frame. You could use a corporate logo as the freeze frame and clips of its products. Layer those clips over the freeze frame and give each one motion so they all end up over the logo.

    Part II: Enhancing Your Video