The reference point that provides pixel data to determine how certain Photoshop tools operate. For example, the Clone Stamp tool uses a sample reference point to determine what pixel values it should paint into the image. The Background eraser also uses a sample point to determine which part of the image to erase.
The act of enlarging or reducing an image, layer, or effect. Although an entire image can be resized, scaling can also modify the size of a textured filter effect in relation to the image. In a burlap filter, for example, the scaling affects the coarseness of the weave.
The way the brush stroke spreads out from the line drawn by the mouse or pen. Scatter can be controlled with the Scattering options in the Brushes palette.
A Photoshop term referring to the system hard drive(s) that are used as a buffer for storing interim versions of images.
A method that brings out additional detail in virtually all images except those created on the highest quality scanners. To sharpen an image in Photoshop, you use the Unsharp Mask filter.
To divide a large image intended for the Web into smaller tiles that are assembled in a table as the page is loaded. These smaller tiles often load faster that one large image and are necessary if you want a portion of a large image to act as a rollover or an animation.
An image state that resides in the History palette that was captured to represent a particular stage of image development. These history states are not effected by the History State value listed in Photoshop's General Preferences box, and they remain available for the current editing session until the image is closed and saved.
To draw an outline around a selected path. Stroking a path is useful for outlining a rectangle you want to use as a text box, for building buttons for the Web, or for outlining letterforms you may have saved as paths.