Task 4 How to Convert a Path to a Selection

One of the primary reasons for creating a path is to convert it to a selection. You can convert a path to a selection as long as the path is available. Because paths take less disk space to save than do selections, you probably shouldn't save a selection when you can save the path.

  1. Open the File

    Choose File, Open to launch the desired file.


  2. Create the Path

    Use any of the methods described in the preceding tasks to create a path.


  3. Choose Make Selection

    Choose Window, Paths to launch the Paths palette. With the path tile selected, choose Make Selection from the palette menu. The Make Selection dialog box opens.


  4. Enter the Feather Radius

    Enable the Anti-aliased check box and enter a feather amount if you want a selection with soft edges (or if you are making a selection around fine details, such as hair). Click OK to make the selection.


  5. Deselect the Path

    In the Paths palette, click a blank area below the path to deselect it. This action hides the displayed path and shows only the selection.


How-To Hints

Combining Selections

You can use paths to create selections that interact with existing selections, as determined by the Operation section of the Make Selection dialog box. If no selection is active in the image area when you choose Make Selection, only the New Selection radio button is available. If another selection is active when you open this dialog box, you can choose to add to, subtract from, or intersect the path selection with the current one.

Converting a Selection to a Path

If an area already is selected, you easily can convert the selection line to a path. With a selection active, select Make Work Path from the Paths palette menu, select a tolerance level, and click OK. If the result is a path with too many points, undo the conversion and set a higher tolerance level. The result is a work path that you can save and name as you want.