User Level: |
admin to enable and configure; any user can share files |
Affects: |
computer |
Terminal: |
no |
If you'd rather not have to upload files to an iDisk to share them, you can use one of OS X's built-in file sharing services. These services allow others to access files that actually reside on your computer, over a network or the Internet. Like Mac OS 9 before it, Mac OS X provides—via Personal File Sharing—Apple's own File Sharing protocol (also called Apple File Protocol or AFP), which is the best way to share files with other Macs over a local network. However, unlike OS 9, it is also a fast and reliable way to share files over the Internet.
By default, Personal File Sharing provides non-admin users with remote access to the files in their own user folder, and to files in other users' Public folders. This means that if you want other users to be able to access files using Personal File Sharing, be sure to put those files in your Public Folder. However, it's possible to further restrict access, or to provide access to additional directories; I'll talk about how to do both under "How Do I Configure It?"
Note |
When admin-level users connect over Personal File Sharing, they have the same access to files as they would if they were sitting at the computer. In other words, they can access any file except for those inside other users' private directories. |
By default, individuals with a user account on your computer can access their own user folder, and other users' Public folders, via Personal File Sharing. In addition, users without an account can connect as Guest (more on that in a bit), but their access is restricted to just Public folders. The only caveat is that to connect, remote users must have a Mac that supports Apple File Protocol over TCP/IP (which is basically Mac OS 9 or OS X).
Warning |
By default, an admin-level user can also remotely connect as any other user via Personal File Sharing by using the user's username and their own admin-level password (more on connecting below). This is a true administration feature, as it allows the administrator to test normal user accounts and their Personal File Sharing access. However, because this feature can be misused in the wrong hands, it's yet another reason not to provide admin access to anyone who doesn't absolutely need it. |
Once you've got a network or Internet connection, Personal File Sharing requires little configuration for basic operation. First, you give your computer a Computer Name and a Rendezvous Name in the Sharing pane of System Preferences. The first is your computer's "official" name—this shows up in Finder windows and in Terminal—whereas the Rendezvous Name is your computer's name as it appears to Rendezvous-enabled devices. (I discussed Rendezvous in the previous chapter.) Then you simply check the box next to Personal File Sharing in the Services tab (Figure 10.3). To stop sharing files this way, either uncheck the box, or select Personal File Sharing and click the Stop button on the right. Once you've enabled Personal File Sharing, you'll see a helpful message at the bottom of the window: "Other Macintosh users can access your computer at afp://yourIPaddress/".
Note |
If you're behind an Internet router, the IP address provided by the Sharing preference pane will only be valid for other users on your local network; in addition, if you have a dynamic IP address, it will only be valid until your ISP provides you with a different one. See the sidebar "Your IP Address: Internet Routers, Port Caveats, and Dynamic IPs" for information on working around these limitations. |
Although enabling Personal File Sharing for basic operation is quite simple, there are a number of options available to you via third-party utilities. You can disable Guest Access, create sharing-only user accounts, disable the sharing of some or all Public folders, enable the sharing of additional directories, and much more. Here are some of the most convenient and useful options and how to enable them.
By default OS X's Personal File Sharing allows Guest users—users who don't have their own account on your computer but can still connect and access a limited group of files (those in Public folders). Although this feature is quite useful for providing access to certain files for remote users without having to create local accounts for them, it also means that anyone who knows your IP address can potentially connect as a Guest user and access Public files. Although this is not a major security issue—the only "damage" a Guest user can do is to download copies of files in Public folders—you may not want to completely open up your Public files to the… um, public.
If Guest Access concerns you, you can disable it (and re-enable it at any time) using the donationware SharePoints ( A few other, simpler, utilities out there allow you to toggle Guest Access, but SharePoints does so much more, and I'll use it for so many of the examples in this section, that I consider it to be the Swiss Army Knife of Personal File Sharing utilities. (It also has other capabilities; you may have used it in Chapter 1 to set up a new group.) It's available as both a preference pane and an application. I personally prefer the preference pane version (it seems more intuitive to me to work with Personal File Sharing settings in System Preferences), but I'm going to use the application version for this discussion because the screenshots are clearer. Both versions function identically. To disable Guest Access, launch SharePoints and then follow these steps:
Click on the AFS Properties tab (AppleFileServer Properties in older versions of SharePoints).
In the Miscellaneous Properties section, uncheck the box next to Allow Guess Access.
Click the Update AppleFileServer Properties button. You'll be asked for your admin-level username and password.
Click the Restart AppleFileServer button to restart Personal File Sharing. (If it is currently disabled, this will start it up for you.)
Other users will no longer be able to log in as Guest and access user Public folders. (See "How Do Others Access Files?") To re-enable Guest Access (or if for some reason your Mac never had it enabled), use the same procedure but check the box next to Allow Guest Access instead.
Tip |
Most of the Personal File Sharing custom settings I discuss in this chapter are accessible via Terminal and/or NetInfo Manager. However, using a utility like SharePoints is so much easier and—because there's no chance for mistyping—safer that there's really no reason not to use it. |
If you've disabled Guest Access, you may be wondering how you allow remote access to Personal File Sharing to individuals who don't have a local account. You could create a single, extra user account and then provide that username and password to everyone you want to be able to access files over Personal File Sharing. However, that would be a rather inconvenient and messy solution. A better solution is to create "File Sharing Only" users. Again, Share-Points is the easiest way to do this.
File Sharing Only users can connect to Personal File Sharing, but can't log in locally, don't have their own user directory, and cannot log in using the Remote Login feature (discussed later in this chapter when I cover SFTP sharing, and in the next chapter when I talk about Remote Access). These types of user accounts are ideal for users who will never actually sit down at your computer and log in, but with whom you want to share files. To create a File Sharing Only account using SharePoints:
Click on the Users & "Public" Shares tab.
Under Individual Users, fill in the user's full and short name (just as if you were setting up a new account in Accounts preferences).
In the Group pop-up menu, select "staff." (If you've set up any groups of your own, and you want the new user to be a member of one of those groups, you could select that group name instead.)
Click the Get Next UID button; SharePoints will automatically assign the new user the next available user ID (Figure 10.4).
Figure 10.4: Setting up a File Sharing Only user in SharePoints
Ignore the Public Directory Shared? pop-up menu; users created within SharePoints do not have Public folders. (This option exists to allow you to edit existing user accounts, as described in the next section.)
Click Add New User (provide your admin username and password if prompted), then click Restart AppleFileServer to restart Personal File Sharing.
The new user you just created will be able to log in via Personal File Sharing and view Public folders, but will have no other system privileges.
What if you don't want remote users to be able to access certain, or all, user Public folders? You can use SharePoints to disable the sharing of individual Public folders, or you can choose to disable all Public folder sharing and then manually enable the sharing of other folders (using the next tip). For example, you could choose to disable all Public folder sharing, and then provide access to the Shared folder instead. To edit the sharing of Public folders:
Click on the Users & "Public" Shares tab.
In the User column on the left, select the user whose Public folder you want to prevent from being shared.
In the "Public" Directory Shares section, click Disable Selected. (Or click Enable Selected if you had previously disabled sharing for that user and want to re-enable it.) If asked, enter your admin-level username and password.
Repeat Steps 1–3 to disable/enable sharing for additional users' Public directories.
Click Restart AppleFileServer to restart Personal File Sharing.
Tip |
You can quickly disable or enable the sharing of all Public directories using the Disable All and Enable All buttons. |
If you want to share files in directories other than, or in addition to, Public folders, you can do this by creating what are called sharepoints. (This is actually where SharePoints got its name—it was originally just a utility to help you create new sharepoints.)
Click on the "Normal" Shares tab.
In the Share Name field, enter the name of the share. This can be the name of the folder you plan to share, or anything else. However, since this name will be included in the list of shares users see when they connect to Personal File Sharing, it should be something unique and descriptive.
Click the Browse… button next to the Directory field. Navigate to the folder you want to share, select it, and then click the Open button. The path to your chosen folder will appear in the Directory field.
Click Create New Share to create the share; if prompted, enter your username and password. Then click Restart AppleFileServer to restart Personal File Sharing.
You can delete a share by selecting it from the list of shares and then clicking Delete Selected Share. You can also use SharePoints to quickly change the permissions of the shared directory by selecting a share and then clicking then Show File System Properties button. A drawer will slide out that shows the current owner, group, and permissions for the selected share. You can change them via the pop-up menus. However, SharePoints can only change the permissions for the top level of the shared directory. To provide more or less access to the files within the directory, you should use the Finder's Get Info command or a third-party file utility.
Tip |
To disable a custom share without deleting it, select the share in the list of Normal shares, select "Disabled (-)" from the AppleFileServer (AFS) Sharing pop-up menu, click Update Share, and then click Restart AppleFileServer. |
Although Mac OS X shies away from AppleTalk (it will only use it for local networking if you specifically enable it), AppleTalk is still the predominant networking protocol for many older Macs. In fact, some older versions of the Mac OS—still in use on older Macs and in many schools—don't even support Apple's IP-based file sharing protocol. This can present a problem if you're trying to share files with these computers. However, although Apple doesn't advertise it, Mac OS X does support File Sharing via AppleTalk. To enable it, launch SharePoints, and in the AFS Properties tab, check the box next to Use AppleTalk in the Miscellaneous Properties area. You'll need to click the Restart AppleFileServer button to restart Personal File Sharing; once it starts up again, your Mac will be visible on an AppleTalk network.
Users of Mac OS 9 may remember the File Sharing Monitor, which provided you with a list of connected File Sharing users. Mac OS X doesn't include such a feature (it's reserved for OS X Server); however it does include the ability to keep a detailed log of all Personal File Sharing activity. Fire up SharePoints again, and in the AFS Properties tab, look at the Logging Properties section. If you check the Enable Logging box, OS X will begin to log any or all of the types of activities checked in the boxes to the right (Logins, Logouts, etc.). By default, the log is located at /Library/Logs/AppleFileService/AppleFileServiceAccess.log. Remember that you have to click the Update AppleFileServer Properties button, and then the Restart AppleFileServer button, for your changes to be applied.
You can view the log in text editor like TextEdit at any time; however, you won't be able to automatically view updates. If you want to watch the log in real time, you can use one of the log-viewing utilities I mention in Chapter 14. In addition, a quick and easy way to view real-time updates is to open a new Terminal window and type tail -f /Library/Logs/ApplefileService/AppleFileServiceAccess.log <RETURN>. This will show the log in the Terminal window, including additions to the log (i.e., activity) as they are written.
In addition to the options I've discussed here, SharePoints also provides a number of other features you'll have to explore for yourself. I mentioned the ability to create groups in Chapter 1, but you can also create a welcome message that other users will see when they connect, change the ports used by Personal File Sharing, and even set up idle timers so that users are automatically disconnected if they are idle for too long. You can also configure and customize OS X's Windows File Sharing (which I'll talk about later in the chapter).
How other users access Personal File Sharing on your Mac depends on whether they're connecting over a local network or over the Internet, and whether they're connecting from Mac OS X or Mac OS 9 and earlier. To make things easier, I'm going to talk about each separately. Once connected, regardless of the method, the user will get a dialog to enter their username or password (unless they're using Guest Access, in which case they'll skip that step). They'll then get a dialog box where they can choose which sharepoints (for guest, normal, and File Sharing Only users) or which volumes (for admin users) they want to mount on their own Desktop. From there they can access files just as they would on any other mounted volume.
Local network: Mac OS X From another Mac running OS X on a local network, the user simply has to choose Go ➣ Connect to Server… (or press command+K) in the Finder, and then click the triangle to expand the Connect to Server window (to show the server browser). Due to the magic of Rendezvous, your Mac will show up in the browser by its Rendezvous name; they should select it and click Connect. If the browser is taking a long time to locate your Mac, they can also enter afp://rendezvousname.local in the Address field (where rendezvousname is your computer's Rendezvous name), and then click Connect.
Local network: Mac OS 9 Users of Mac OS 9 should choose Apple Menu ➣ Chooser. On the left side of the Chooser window, select the AppleShare icon. Then on the right, click the Server IP Address… button. In the resulting dialog, they should enter your local IP address (if both computers are behind an Internet router, or have been given their own static IP addresses, this will be the IP address provided in Sharing preferences), and then click Connect. Note that if you enabled AppleTalk File Sharing, when they click the AppleShare icon, your Mac should show up on the right side of the Chooser; they should simply select it and click Connect.
Local network: Mac OS 8.x and earlier If you've enabled AppleTalk File Sharing, users of pre-OS 9 systems should choose Apple Menu ➣ Chooser, and then click the AppleShare icon on the left side of the Chooser. They should then select the icon for your Mac on the right side (it should show up automatically) and then click Connect.
Via the Internet: Mac OS X Mac OS X users accessing your Mac over the Internet should choose Go ➣ Connect to Server… (or press command+K) in the Finder to bring up the Connect to Server dialog. In the Address field, they should enter afp://yourIPaddress(or replace yourIPaddress with your domain name, if you have one assigned to your Mac), and then click Connect.
Via the Internet: Mac OS 9 Mac OS 9 users accessing your computer over the Internet should follow the same procedure they do when accessing over a local network; the only difference is that they should enter your Internet IP address (or domain name) rather than your local one. If you have a static IP address and are not behind an Internet router, the two will probably be the same.
If you don't have a static IP address, or you're behind an Internet router, this adds a few wrinkles when other users try to access your Mac over the Internet. See "Your IP Address: Internet Routers, Port Caveats, and Dynamic IPs."