Fixing broken links

Fixing broken links

After you run a links reports, you can fix broken links and image references directly in the Link Checker panel, or you can open files from the list and fix links in the Property inspector.

To fix links in the Link Checker panel:

  1. Run a link check report (see Checking for broken, external, and orphaned links).
  2. In the Broken Links column (not the Files column) of the Link Checker panel (in the Results panel group), select the broken link.

    A folder icon appears next to the broken link.

  3. Click the folder icon to browse to the correct file to link to, or type the correct path and filename.
  4. Press Tab or Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).

    If there are other broken references to this same file, a dialog box appears prompting you to fix the references in the other files as well. Click Yes to have Dreamweaver update all the documents on the list that reference this file. Click No to have Dreamweaver update the current reference only.

To fix links in the Property inspector:

  1. Run a link check report (see Checking for broken, external, and orphaned links).
  2. In the Link Checker panel (in the Results panel group), double-click an entry in the File column.

    Dreamweaver opens the document, selects the offending image or link, and highlights the path and filename in the Property inspector. (If the Property inspector is not visible, select Window > Properties to open it.)

  3. To set a new path and filename in the Property inspector, click the folder icon to browse to the correct file, or type over the highlighted text.

    If you are updating an image reference and the new image appears at the incorrect size, click the W and H labels in the Property inspector or click the Refresh button to reset the height and width values. The W and H labels change from bold to normal type.

  4. Save the file.

As links are fixed, their entries disappear from the Link Checker list. If an entry still appears in the list after you enter a new path or filename in the Link Checker (or after you save changes in the Property inspector), it means that Dreamweaver cannot find the new file and still considers the link broken.

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Inserting and Formatting Text
Adding Audio, Video, and Interactive Elements
Working with Page Code
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly