Roundtrip editing and Design Notes enable Dreamweaver to integrate operations with Fireworks and Flash. Roundtrip editing ensures that code updates transfer correctly between Dreamweaver and these other applications (for example, to preserve rollover behaviors, or links to other files).
Design Notes are small files that allow Dreamweaver to locate the appropriate source document for an exported image or movie file. When you export files from Fireworks or Flash directly to a Dreamweaver defined site, Design Notes which contain references to the PNG or Flash authoring file (FLA) are automatically exported to the site along with the web-ready file (GIF, JPEG, or SWF). For information, see About Design Notes.
In addition to location information, Design Notes contain other pertinent information about exported files. For example, when you export a Fireworks table, Fireworks writes a Design Note for each exported image file in the table. If the exported file contains hotspots or rollovers, the JavaScript for the hotspots or rollovers is contained in the HTML document that Fireworks exports.