Pasting Fireworks HTML into Dreamweaver

Pasting Fireworks HTML into Dreamweaver

A fast way to place Fireworks-generated images and tables in Dreamweaver is to copy and paste Fireworks HTML code directly into a Dreamweaver document.

To copy and paste Fireworks HTML into Dreamweaver:

  1. In Fireworks, select Edit > Copy HTML Code.
  2. Follow the wizard as it guides you through the settings for exporting your HTML and images. When prompted, specify your Dreamweaver site folder as the destination for the exported images.

    The wizard exports the images to the specified destination and copies the HTML code to the Clipboard.

  3. In Dreamweaver, place the insertion point in the document where you want to paste the HTML code, and select Edit > Paste.

    All HTML and JavaScript code associated with the Fireworks files you exported is copied into the Dreamweaver document, and all links to images are updated.

To export and paste Fireworks HTML into Dreamweaver:

  1. In Fireworks, select File > Export.
  2. In the Export dialog box, specify your Dreamweaver site folder as the destination for the exported images.
  3. In the Save As pop-up menu, select HTML and Images.
  4. In the HTML pop-up menu, select Copy to Clipboard; then click Save.
  5. In Dreamweaver, place the insertion point in the document where you want to paste the exported HTML code, and select Edit > Paste.

    All HTML and JavaScript code associated with the Fireworks files you exported is copied into the Dreamweaver document, and all links to images are updated.

Related topics

  • Inserting Fireworks HTML code in a Dreamweaver document

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