You can use the History panel to repeat the last step you performed, repeat a series of adjacent steps, or repeat a series of nonadjacent steps. (For basic information about the History panel, see About the History panel.)
The name of this command changes in the Edit menu to reflect the last step you performed; for example, if youve just typed some text, the command name is Redo Typing.
The step is replayed and a copy of it appears in the History panel.
The steps played are the steps that are selected (highlighted), not necessarily the step the slider currently points to.
Although you can select a series of steps that includes a black mouse-movement indicator line, that mouse movement is skipped when you replay the steps. |
The steps are replayed in order, and a new step, Replay Steps, appears in the History panel.
You can also Control-click or Command-click to deselect a selected step.
The selected steps are replayed in order, and a new step, labeled Replay Steps, appears in the History panel.