Setting the Prepared (Insert, Update, Delete) dialog box options (JSP)

Setting the Prepared (Insert, Update, Delete) dialog box options (JSP)

The purpose of this dialog box is to create a prepared statement that inserts, updates, or deletes records in a database.

To set the dialog box options:

  1. Enter a name for the prepared statement, select a connection to the database containing the records you want to edit, and select the editing operation you want the prepared statement to perform--Insert, Update, or Delete.

    Dreamweaver starts the SQL statement for you based on the type of operation you select.

  2. Complete the SQL statement.

    For information on writing SQL statements that modify databases, consult a Transact-SQL manual.

  3. Use the Variables area to define any SQL variables.

    In the Param column, enter the name of the SQL parameters used in the SQL statement. In the Run-time Value column, enter the form or URL parameter supplying a value to each SQL parameter. For example, if the value to be assigned to a SQL parameter is supplied by a URL parameter called txtCity, then enter the following run-time value:


After you close the dialog box, Dreamweaver inserts JSP code in your page that, when run on the server, creates a prepared statement that inserts, updates, or deletes records in the database.

Related topics

  • Using JSP prepared statements to modify a database
  • JSP prepared statements

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