Completing the update page in one operation (ASP.NET)

Completing the update page in one operation (ASP.NET)

An update page has three building blocks:

  • A filtered DataSet to retrieve the record from a database table (see Retrieving the record to update (ASP.NET))
  • An HTML form to let users modify the record’s data
  • An Update Record server behavior to update the database table

You can add the final two building blocks of an update page in a single operation using the Record Update Form application object. The application object adds both an HTML form and an Update Record server behavior to the page.

Before you can use the application object, your web application must be able to identify the record to update, and your update page must be able to retrieve it. See Searching for the record to update (ASP.NET), Opening the update page and passing the record ID (ASP.NET), and Retrieving the record to update (ASP.NET).

After the application object places the building blocks on the page, you can use the Dreamweaver design tools to customize the form to your liking, or the Server Behaviors panel to edit the Update Record server behavior.

To build the update page with the Record Update Form application object:

  1. Open the page in Design view, then select Insert > Application Objects > Update Record > Record Update Form Wizard.

    The Record Update Form dialog box appears.

  2. Complete the dialog box.

    For instructions, see Setting the Record Update Form dialog box options (ASP.NET).

  3. Click OK.

The application object adds both an HTML form and an Update Record server behavior to your page. The form objects are laid out in a basic table, which you can customize using the Dreamweaver page design tools. Make sure all the form objects remain within the form’s boundaries.

To edit the server behavior, open the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors) and double-click the Update Record behavior.

Related topics

  • Completing the update page block by block (ASP.NET)

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