Setting the List Items dialog box options

Setting the List Items dialog box options

The purpose of this dialog box is to populate the list of an ASP.NET form control such as a DropDownList or ListBox.

To set the dialog box options:

  1. Select Manually or From Database, depending on how you plan to populate the list.
  2. If you select Manually, do the following:
    • To add a list item, click the Plus (+) button, and specify a label and value in the Label and Value text boxes.
    • To delete a list item, select the item in the list and click the Minus (-) button.
    • To edit a list item, select the list item, and then specify a new label or value in the Label and Value text boxes.
    • To specify a default item when the list is displayed the first time, enter the value of the item in the Select Value Equal To text box.
  3. If you select From Database, do the following:
    • Select the DataSet that will populate the list.
    • Specify the column in the DataSet that will provide the labels of the list items.
    • Specify the column in the DataSet that will provide the values of the list items.
    • To specify a default item when the list is displayed the first time, enter the value of the item in the Select Value Equal To text box.

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