Building a registration page

Building a registration page

Your web application can contain a page that requires users to register the first time they visit your site.

For example, the following page asks first-time users to register:

This is a picture of the feature being described.

A registration page is made up of the following building blocks:

  • A database table to store login information about the users (see Storing login information about users)
  • An HTML form that lets users select a user name and password (see Letting users choose a user name and password)

    You can also use the form to obtain other personal information from users.

  • An Insert Record server behavior to update the database table of site users (see Updating the table of users in the database)
  • A Check New Username server behavior to make sure the user name entered by the user is not taken by another user (see Making sure the chosen user name is unique)

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Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
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