Use this Property inspector to set the properties of a ColdFusion file-upload field.
Cffilefield lets you specify a unique name for the control.
Max Length lets you specify the maximum number of characters that the path to the file can have.
Validate specifies the type of validation for the field.
Validate At specifies when the field is validated: onSubmit, onBlur, or onServer.
Label lets you specify a label for the field.
Pattern lets you specify a JavaScript regular expression pattern to validate input. Omit leading and trailing slashes. For more information, see the ColdFusion documentation.
Height lets you specify the height of the control, in pixels. This property is ignored by the ColdFusion server at runtime.
Width lets you specify the width of the control, in pixels. This property is ignored by the ColdFusion server at runtime.
Size lets you specify the size of the control.
Required lets you specify whether the file field must contain data before the form is submitted to the server.
Display Tag Editor lets you edit properties not listed in the Property inspector.