Customizing and using the Favorites category in the Insert bar

Customizing and using the Favorites category in the Insert bar

The Favorites category of the Insert bar enables you to group and organize commonly used Insert bar buttons. You can add, manage, and delete buttons from the Favorites category.

To add, delete, or manage items in the Favorites category:

  1. Select any category in the Insert bar.
  2. Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) in the area where the buttons appear (do not right-click in the category name), and then select Customize Objects.

    The Customize Favorite Objects dialog box appears.

  3. Make changes as necessary.

    For more information, see Setting the Customize Favorite Objects dialog box options.

  4. Click OK.

    The Favorites category reflects the changes you made.

To insert objects using buttons in the Favorites category:

  • Select the Favorites category from the left side of the Insert bar, then click the button for any Favorites object you’ve added.

Related topics

  • Displaying the Insert bar and its categories and menus
  • Using the Insert bar to insert objects

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