Setting the Site Definition Wizard Sharing Files options

Setting the Site Definition Wizard Sharing Files options

The purpose of this dialog box is to set up the file Check In/Check Out system, if you’re working in a collaborative environment (or working alone, but on multiple machines).

Checking out a file makes the file unavailable on the server so that other team members cannot edit the file using Dreamweaver. Checking in a file makes the file available to others to check out and edit.

To set up the Check In/Check Out system:

  1. Select Yes to enable file check in/check out if you are working in a team environment (or working alone but from several different machines), or select No to disable file check in/check out.

    This option is useful to let others know that you checked out a file for editing, or to alert yourself that you may have left a more recent version of a file on another machine.

  2. Select Yes if you want to automatically check out files when you open them from the Files panel, or select No if you do not want to automatically check out files when you open them.
  3. Enter your name.

    Your name appears in the Files panel alongside any files that you checked out; this enables team members to communicate when they are sharing files.

    If you work alone from several different machines, use a different check-out name on each machine (for example, AmyR-HomeMac and AmyR-OfficePC) so you’ll know where the latest version of the file is if you forget to check it in.

  4. Enter your e-mail address.

    If you enter an e-mail address, then when you check out a file, your name appears in the Files panel next to that file as a link (blue and underlined). If a team member clicks the link, their default e-mail program opens a new message with your e-mail address and a subject that corresponds to the file and site name.

Related topics

  • Checking in and checking out files

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