Creating a root folder (Windows)

Creating a root folder (Windows)

After the server software is installed, create a root folder for your web application on the system running Microsoft IIS, and make sure the folder has the necessary permissions.

To create a root folder for your web application:

  1. Create a folder called MySampleApps on the system running IIS.

    A good place to create the folder is in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\. By default, your IIS web server is set up to serve pages from the Inetpub\wwwroot folder. The web server will serve any page in this folder or in any of its subfolders in response to an HTTP request from a web browser.

  2. Make sure the Read and Scripts permissions are enabled for the folder by doing the following:
    1. Start the IIS administrative tool (in Windows XP, select Start > Control Panel or Start > Settings > Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Internet Information Services).
    2. Expand the "local computer" list, followed by the Web Sites folder, and then the Default Web Site folder.
    3. Right-click your MySampleApps folder and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
    4. In the Execute Permissions pop-up menu, make sure the Scripts Only option is selected. (For security reasons, do not select the Scripts and Executables option.)
    5. Click OK.

The web server is now configured to serve web pages in your root folder in response to HTTP requests from web browsers.

After configuring your system, you must define a Dreamweaver site. (See Defining a Dreamweaver site (PHP).)

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Working with Page Code
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly