Adding server behaviors to a page
To add server behaviors to a page, select them from either the Application category of the Insert bar, or the Server Behaviors panel. To use the Server Behaviors panel, select Window > Server Behaviors, click the Plus (+) button on the panel, and select a server behavior from the pop-up menu. The illustration below shows the Server Behavior buttons available from the Insert bar.
Dreamweaver provides a point-and-click interface that makes applying dynamic content and complex behaviors to a page as easy as inserting textual and design elements. The following server behaviors are available:
- Define a recordset from an existing database. The recordset you define is then stored in the Bindings panel.
- Display multiple records on a single page. You select either an entire table or individual cells or rows that contain dynamic content, and specify the number of records to display on each page view.
- Create and insert a dynamic table into a page, and associate the table with a recordset. You can later modify both the tables appearance and the repeated region using the Property inspector and Repeated Region Server Behavior respectively.
- Insert a dynamic text object into a page. The text object you insert is an item from a predefined recordset, to which you can apply any of the Dreamweaver data formats.
- Create record navigation and status controls, master/detail pages, and forms for updating information in a database.
- Display more than one record from a database record.
- Create recordset navigation links that allow users to view the previous or next records from a database record.
- Add a record counter to help users keep track of how many records where returned, and where they are in the returned result.
You can also extend Dreamweaver server behaviors by writing your own, or installing server behaviors written by third parties.
For more information on enhancing the functionality of web pages using server behaviors, see the following chapters:
- Adding Dynamic Content to Web Pages
- Displaying Database Records
- Building ColdFusion Applications Rapidly
- Building ASP.NET Applications Rapidly
- Building ASP and JSP Applications Rapidly
- Building PHP Applications Rapidly