Connecting to a database

Connecting to a database

When developing a ColdFusion web application in Dreamweaver, you connect to a database by selecting a ColdFusion data source defined in Dreamweaver or in ColdFusion Administrator, the server’s management console.

Before you can connect to a database, make sure Dreamweaver knows where to find the ColdFusion data sources. To retrieve the ColdFusion data sources at design time, Dreamweaver places scripts in a folder on the computer running ColdFusion. You must specify this folder in the Testing Server category of the Site Definition dialog box. For more information, see Specifying where dynamic pages can be processed.

Next, you must create a ColdFusion data source in Dreamweaver or in ColdFusion Administrator (if one doesn’t already exist). For more information, see Creating or modifying a ColdFusion data source.

After creating a ColdFusion data source, you can use it in Dreamweaver to connect to the database. For more information, see Connecting to the database in Dreamweaver.

Getting Started with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Basics
Working with Dreamweaver Sites
Laying Out Pages
Adding Content to Pages
Working with Page Code
Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites
Making Pages Dynamic
Developing Applications Rapidly