The purpose of this dialog box is to set options for synchronizing files.
Put Newer Files to Remote uploads all the local files that dont exist on the remote server or have changed since the last upload.
Get Newer Files from Remote downloads all the remote files that dont exist locally or have changed since the last download.
Get and Put Newer Files places the most recent versions of all the files on both the local and the remote sites.
If you select Put Newer Files to Remote and you select the Delete option, then Dreamweaver deletes any files in your remote site for which there are no corresponding local files. If you select Get Newer Files from Remote, then Dreamweaver deletes any files in your local site for which there are no corresponding remote files.
Before you can synchronize the files, you must preview the actions Dreamweaver will perform to accomplish this task.
If the newest version of each chosen file is already in both places and nothing needs to be deleted, an alert appears informing you that no synchronization is necessary. Otherwise, the Synchronize dialog box appears. For more information, see Setting the Synchronize dialog box options.