Jumping to a JavaScript or VBScript function

Jumping to a JavaScript or VBScript function

In both Code view and the Code inspector, you can view a list of all of the JavaScript or VBScript functions in your code and jump to any one of them.

To jump to a JavaScript or VBScript function in your code:

  1. View the document in Code view (View > Code) or the Code inspector (Window > Code Inspector).
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you’re using Code view, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) anywhere in Code view, and then select the Functions submenu from the context menu.

      If your code contains JavaScript or VBScript functions, they appear in the submenu.

    • If you’re using the Code inspector, click the Code Navigation button on the toolbar.

      The button consists of a pair of braces ({ }).

  3. From the submenu, select a function name to jump to the function in your code.

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