The server-side ActionScript (SSAS) in Listing E.12 connects to a Flash Remoting MX service to perform a simple user login authentication. The service is defined when the application starts. A Service method is called and handled when the client connects. Remember, Flash Remoting MX is nonpersistent. A connection is established each time a service method is invoked.
// Load the NetServices Class Libraries load("netservices.asc"); // When the application Starts, setup the non-persistent Flash Remoting server application.onAppStart = function() { trace("Application was loaded, Cap'n"); NetServices.setDefaultGatewayUrl("http://localhost/flashservices/gateway"); var gatewayConnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection(); // instantiate the service into a local variable var cf_service = gatewayConnection.getService ("myFlashComService.login_service", this); }; application.onConnect = function(clientObject, username, password) { // call the server function, authenticateUser, passing the username and password var callTheServer = cf_service.authenticateUser(username, password); // handle the server response this.authenticateUser_Result = function(result_rs) { trace("The Server Responded ?> "+ result_rs.getLength()); trace("The firstName value of row 0 ?> "+ result_rs.items[0].firstName); }; // handle any server errors this.authenticateUser_Status = function(status) { trace("Returned FAILED From the Server"); }; };