Students receive a scheduled time to connect to the virtual classroom by email. At the start of class, a login prompt lets each user type a name and enter the student interface. The server accepts all users as students and enables the student interface (subscriber). The teacher enters a special name in the login field that enables the teacher (speaker) controller interface.
Students are required to have a web camera and microphone working on their computers before connecting to the virtual classroom.
The student interface includes:
Presentation controls and a blank area for the presentation.
Live video window of the teacher with audio attached.
Live local view of the student's camera.
Live chat tool to interact with other students during the presentation. (The teacher can disable the chat tool if required.)
Information about the class, including the teacher's phone number and email.
A window place holder for student video questions. The teacher controls this window and the camera feed being published to it.
The student must pay attention to the lecture because at any time the teacher can force the student's camera and microphone on and place him in front of the class to interact with the teacher.
This application does not evaluate the student or provide archiving and so on.
When the class is over, the student can continue chatting or interacting with the teacher, until the teacher closes the application and disconnects everyone.