Some web services return complex objects that are not readily understood by Access. For example, you might wish to call a web service that returns a .NET DataSet. Is it possible to call such a web service from Access?
Web services communicate using the text-based protocols HTTP and SOAP. Thus, any complex objects must be converted from the normal binary format into text. This process is known as serialization. .NET automatically serializes many of its built-in objects, including the DataSet, into XML. Thus, a .NET-based web service that returns a DataSet, in reality returns an XML document that represents the DataSet.
When possible, the Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit maps complex object return values into compatible types. The serialized XML representation of a DataSet returned by a web service is mapped by the toolkit into an MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList object. This object is part of the MSXML component that you can use to navigate through XML documents from Access.
The RunningCalculator web service introduced in the Solution in Recipe 17.4 contains the GetMileSplits method which returns a DataSet filled with mile splits for a given distance and total time. Follow these steps to create an Access form that calls the GetMileSplits method, navigates through the XML returned by the web service, and populates an unbound listbox control on the form with the mile splits:
If you haven't yet done so, download and install the Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit.
Start Access 2003 and create an unbound form named frmSplitCalculator.
Add the controls listed in Table 17-2 to the form. Size the controls to your liking.
Control |
Name |
TextBox |
txtDistance |
TextBox |
txtHours |
TextBox |
txtMinutes |
TextBox |
txtSeconds |
CommandButton |
cmdCalculateSplits |
ListBox |
lstSplits |
From the VBA editor, select Tools Web Service References.... This menu item is added to the VBA editor by the Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit.
At the Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit dialog box, select the Web Service URL radio button and enter the following URL into the URL textbox:
The RunnerCalculator service and its methods should be displayed in the SearchResults box. Check the checkbox to the left of RunnerCalculator and click the Add button at the bottom of the dialog box to add a reference to the RunnerCalculator service.
The toolkit adds a new class module to the project with the name clsws_RunnerCalculator. This class serves as a proxy for making calls to the web service. The code in this class will take care of speaking to the web service using the SOAP protocol.
Attach the following code to the cmdCalculateSplits button's Click event to use the clsws_RunnerCalculator proxy class to call the GetMileSplits method:
Private Sub cmdCalculateSplits_Click( ) Dim prxRunnerCalc As clsws_RunnerCalculator Dim nlDS As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList Dim i As Integer ' Clear any existing items from the listbox For i = lstSplits.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1 lstSplits.RemoveItem (i) Next ' Add the headings to the list lstSplits.ColumnWidths = "0.35"";1""" lstSplits.ColumnHeads = True lstSplits.AddItem ("Mile;Split") On Error GoTo HandleErr DoCmd.Hourglass True ' Instantiate proxy class Set prxRunnerCalc = New clsws_RunnerCalculator If Len(txtDistance) > 0 And Len(txtHours) > 0 And _ Len(txtMinutes) > 0 And Len(txtSeconds) > 0 Then ' Call GetMileSpilts method via proxy class ' This method returns a .NET DataSet which gets ' serializedd into XML. ' XML is returned by the proxy as the type ' MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList. Set nlDS = prxRunnerCalc.wsm_GetMileSplits(txtDistance, _ txtHours, txtMinutes, txtSeconds) Call ProcessSplits(nlDS) Else MsgBox "You must enter values for each text box.", _ vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Splits Calculator" End If ExitHere: On Error GoTo 0 DoCmd.Hourglass False Exit Sub HandleErr: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _ vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Splits Calculator" Resume ExitHere End Sub
Add the following code to the module to use the MSXML component to process the returned XML data and add the split values to the lstSplits listbox:
Private Sub ProcessSplits(nlDS As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList) Dim nlPace As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList Dim nodData As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim nodRow As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim nodField As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim strItem As String On Error GoTo HandleErr ' Grab the second node -- the data -- from the ' returned node list Set nodData = nlDS.Item(1) ' Get the Pace nodes (rows) Set nlPace = nodData.selectNodes("//MileSplits/Pace") ' For each Pace node For Each nodRow In nlPace ' Get the child nodes of Pace, i.e., the fields For Each nodField In nodRow.childNodes Select Case nodField.nodeName Case "Mile" ' Grab the Mile value strItem = nodField.nodeTypedValue Case "SplitString" ' Grab the SplitString value strItem = strItem & ";" & nodField.nodeTypedValue ' Add the strItem value to the listbox lstSplits.AddItem strItem End Select Next Next ExitHere: On Error GoTo 0 DoCmd.Hourglass False Exit Sub HandleErr: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _ vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Process Splits" Resume ExitHere End Sub
Save and open the form to test it out. Enter values into each of the textboxes and click on the Calculate Splits button. The form should look similar to the one shown in Figure 17-8.
When you establish a reference to a web service using the Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit, the toolkit, among other things, sets a reference to the Microsoft XML v 5.0 type library, which allows you to use MSXML without having to manually set a reference to the type library.
The MSXML component contains a number of objects, properties, and methods for working with XML documents. You can find online documentation for MSXML at the following URL: ixmldomnodelist_4kvo.asp
In order to create the code that processes a serialized DataSet using MSXML you need to understand the layout of the XML returned by the web service method. For .NET web services, you can obtain basic documentation about the web service and its methods by directly navigating to the web service (the asmx file) using Internet Explorer. Thus, for the RunnerCalculator service, you could obtain information about the web service at this address:
When you do this you should see a screen that looks similar to the one shown in Figure 17-9.
You may find it helpful to take a look at the web services' Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document, which you can get to by clicking on the Service Description link (see Figure 17-9). You can think of the WSDL as the equivalent of a type library for a web service.
If the web service was created with Microsoft .NET 1.0 you can also use a special automatically-generated test form to call a web service method interactively from Internet Explorer. This test form is available by clicking on the name of a method you wish to test (see Figure 17-9). In Microsoft .NET 1.1 (Visual Studio .NET 2003), by default, you no longer get the test form when calling the web service remotely. If you're using a .NET 1.1 web service, the test form is disabled when used from a remote client (anything other than localhost), so you can't depend on the test form for help.
Of course, neither the .NET 1.0 test form nor the WSDL for a web service takes the place of good documentation. If you are using a web service in a production environment, you're going to need for the web service's creator to supply you with documentation that should include a thorough discussion of the web services input parameters and return value.
Working with ADO.NET Datasets in Microsoft Office (
MSXML documentation (