The point of a database program is to manage data. Although Access
provides most of the tools you'll need, there are
many tasks for which you have to roll your own solution. This chapter
concentrates on working with data in ways that traditional database
operations don't support. You'll
learn how to search for records phonetically, back up your database
objects, perform lightning-fast finds on linked tables, save
housekeeping information, and more. All the examples in this chapter
use some form of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code, but
don't worry?they are all clearly explained,
and "testbed" applications are
supplied to show you how each technique works. We present more tips
for working with data in Chapter 14, focusing on
techniques you can use when your data is stored in SQL Server, rather
than in an Access Jet database (an .MDB or
.MDE file).
Many of the examples in this chapter take advantage of the DAO type
library, rather than the default ADO library used by Access 2002 and
Access 2003. Even though it's less
"modern," DAO provides greater
functionality, and generally better performance. In addition, using
DAO makes it possible for these demonstrations to work in earlier
versions of Access. If you want to try these techniques in your own
applications, make sure you add the DAO reference to your project
using the Tools References menu item from within
VBA?it won't be added by default.