Select the message you want to move. |
Open the Edit menu and choose Move to Folder. |
INTRODUCTIONRather than keeping all your messages in your Inbox, you can delete messages you don't need and move messages you want to keep to folders you have created. |
TIPSelecting Messages For help selecting the messages you want to move, refer to the task "Selecting Messages" in Part 3. |
HINTMoving Other Messages You aren't limited to moving messages only from your Inbox. You can select messages in any folders and move them to other folders. |
The Move Items dialog box opens. Click the folder to which you want to move the selected messages (in this example, the Business folder.) |
Click OK. |
The messages are moved. (To confirm the move, open the folder.) |
HINTCopying Messages To copy, rather than move, your message from one folder to another, follow the process outlined in this task, but select Copy to Folder instead of Move to Folder in step 2. |
TIPUsing the Toolbar Instead of opening the Edit menu and choosing Move to Folder, you can click the Move to Folder button (the one with two folders on it) on the main Outlook toolbar to open the Move Items dialog box. |