After you create a new contact or open an existing one to whom you want to send an e-mail message, click the New Message to Contact button in the Contact window. |
An Untitled Message window opens with the selected contact's e-mail address entered in the To field. Type a subject for the message into the Subject field. |
INTRODUCTIONWhen you send e-mail messages, it's much easier (and less error prone) to select the intended recipient from a contact list than it is to type the recipient's e-mail address manually. That's why Outlook enables you to create a new e-mail message from within the Contacts window. |
TIPA Shortcut If you prefer, simply click?rather than open?the contact to whom you want to send an e-mail message in the contact list, and then click the New Message to Contact button on the main Outlook toolbar. |
Click in the message area and type the contents of the message. |
Click the Send button. Assuming you are online and have set up Outlook to automatically send your messages, the message will be sent. |
TIPMore Info on E-mail You can get more information about sending e-mail in Part 2, "Creating E-mail Messages." |