Scheduling a Recurring Appointment



After you've created a new appointment or opened an existing one, click the Recurrence button in the Appointment window.


Click the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly option button to set the recurrence pattern (in this case, Weekly is selected).


The options for the recurrence pattern vary depending on your selection in step 2. Make your selections.


If you routinely have set appointments, you can add them once to your calendar rather than over and over for each occurrence. You can start by creating a new appointment or by setting the recurrence for an existing appointment.


Removing a Recurring Appointment

To delete a recurring appointment, select any of the listed appointments in the Calendar and then click the Delete button (the one with an X on it) in the Appointment window's toolbar. Outlook asks whether you want to delete only the selected occurrence or the series (all occurrences). Make your choice and click OK.



Specify the range of recurrence?that is, over what period of time the recurring appointment will occur.


Click OK.


The Appointment window's date and time information lists the recurrence details you entered; click Save and Close.


The Calendar displays a special icon for recurring appointments.


Scheduling a New Appointment

To schedule a new recurring appointment, open the Actions menu and select New Recurring Appointment.


Editing a Recurring Appointment

Double-click the appointment. When prompted, select whether to edit just that specific instance (Open This Occurrence) or every future appointment (Open the Series). Then make changes as needed