This section describes the high-level design of the federated system. The environment requirements for accessing a host DB2 on OS/390 data from a DB2 UDB ESE on Sun Solaris are shown in Table 7.3.
Requirement | Data Source Database | Federated Database |
Environment | OS/390 DB2 V6 | Sun Solaris 8 DB2 UDB Enterprise Server EditionV8.1 |
Hostname | HOST390 | s4500db |
IP Address | | |
User ID (SYSADM) | tst1sys | dsnow |
Instance Owner ID | dsnow | |
Database | HDB1 | sample |
Communication Port | 1300 | 50000 |
User ID (DBADM) | tst1txp | tphan |
User ID | user_n (where n is sequence start at 1, i.e., user_1) | |
Data Source | DB2 OS/390 | DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows |
Wrapper | DRDA | DRDA |
Table | list of tables | list of tables |
View | list of views | list of views |
Nickname | list of nicknames | list of nicknames |
Catalog Node | HDB1NODE | |
DCS Database Alias | HDB1 | |
DB2 Subsystem Name | HDB1 | |
Protocol | TCPIP | TCPIP |
Contact | Responsible DBA | Responsible DBA |
Table 7.4 lists the communication information for the Windows clients accessing the federated system via a DB2 Connect Gateway.
DNS Suffix:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Windows Client | Hostname | IP Address | User ID |
User_1 | Phantom_1 | | user_1 |
User_2 | Phantom_2 | | user_2 |
User_3 | Phantom_3 | | user_3 |
User_4 | Phantom_4 | | user_4 |
The following describes different scenarios for a distributed join to be performed against DB2 tables or views on the OS/390 environment (remote) and DB2 UDB tables or views on the Sun Solaris environment (local).
A distributed join of one local table (DB2 for Sun Solaris) with a nickname that references a remote table (DB2 for OS/390)
A distributed join of one local table with a nickname that references a remote view
A distributed join of one local view with a nickname that references a remote table
A distributed join of one local view with a nickname that references a remote view
A combination of the above, a distributed join of one local table with a local view, a nickname that references a remote table, and a nickname that references a remote view
A federated view based on the combination of the above, a distributed join of one local table with a local view, a nickname that references a remote table, and a nickname that references a remote view
DB2 Connect has several connection solutions. DB2 Connect Personal Edition provides direct connectivity to host and iSeries database series, whereas DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition provides indirect connectivity that allows clients to access host and iSeries database servers through the DB2 Connect server. DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition provides a unique packaging solution that makes product selection and licensing easier.
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition is a connectivity server that concentrates and manages connections from multiple desktop clients and Web applications to DB2 database servers running on host or iSeries systems. IBM's DB2 UDB for iSeries, DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS, and DB2 for VSE and VM databases continue to be the systems of choice for managing most critical data for the world's largest organizations. Although these host and iSeries databases manage the data, there is a great demand to integrate this data with applications running on Windows and UNIX workstations.
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition is most appropriate for environments where:
Host and iSeries database servers do not support native TCP/IP connectivity and direct connectivity from desktop workstations via SNA is not desirable.
Web servers run Web-based applications.
Web servers run Web-based applications using data-aware Java applications.
A middle-tier application server is used.
TP monitors, such as CICS, Encina, Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), Tuxedo, Component Broker, and MQSeries, are used.
DB2 Connect Personal Edition provides access from a single workstation to DB2 databases residing on servers such as OS/390, z/OS, OS/400, VM, and VSE, as well as to DB2 UDB servers on UNIX and Windows operating systems. DB2 Connect Personal Edition provides the same rich set of APIs as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition.
DB2 Connect Personal Edition is used to connect a single Windows operating system or Linux workstation to a host or iSeries database. DB2 Connect Personal Edition is best suited for environments where native TCP/IP support is provided by the database servers, and the application being deployed is a traditional two-tier client-server application.
DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition is a unique package offering that allows complete flexibility of DB2 Connect deployment and simplifies product selection and licensing. This product contains both DB2 Connect Personal Edition and DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition with license terms and conditions that allow the unlimited deployment of any DB2 Connect product. License charges are based on the size of the S/390 or zSeries server that DB2 Connect users will be working with.