Manual Conversion from Hybrid to Native

The manual process for converting from hybrid to native using a Supervisor II with an MSFC2 is outlined in the following steps. This process can be used with other Catalyst 6000/6500 Supervisor/MSFC combinations using the appropriate software versions for each. Always check the Catalyst 6000/6500 Series Release Notes for memory and ROMMON requirements.

Step 1. Establish a console connection to the Supervisor. It is a good idea to log the console session to a file. This enables the output to be captured as a record of the session and it can be compared against the steps in this process if any issues arise. For example, in Windows Hyperterm, the menu option for logging a console session is Transfer > Capture Text. Other terminal emulation programs may have different procedures for capturing text.

Step 2. The switch must be reconfigured after converting to Cisco IOS because the configuration is lost during the conversion process. At this point, it is recommended to back up the Catalyst OS configuration from the Supervisor and the Cisco IOS configuration from the MSFC2. These files can serve as a reference after the conversion or as a backup should it be necessary to convert back to hybrid. Issue the copy config tftp command on the Supervisor and the MSFC2 to back up the configurations.

Step 3. Native IOS cannot run on a Catalyst 6000/6500 without a PFC and a MSFC. Issue the show module command to confirm that the PFC or PFC2 and the MSFC2 are installed in the switch:

SW1 (enable) show module

Mod Slot Ports Module-Type               Model               Sub Status

--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --- --------

1   1    2     1000BaseX Supervisor      WS-X6K-S2U-MSFC2    yes ok

15  1    1     Multilayer Switch Feature WS-F6K-MSFC2        no  ok

3   3    48    10/100BaseTX Ethernet     WS-X6548-RJ-45      no  ok

5   5    0     Switch Fabric Module 2    WS-X6500-SFM2       no  ok

Mod Module-Name          Serial-Num

--- -------------------- -----------

1                        SAD060302XM

15                       SAD060102KP

3                        SAL0701B2S0

5                        SAD061506MD

Mod MAC-Address(es)                        Hw     Fw         Sw

--- -------------------------------------- ------ ---------- -----------------

1   00-01-c9-da-ee-d2 to 00-01-c9-da-ee-d3 3.5    7.1(1)     8.1(1)

    00-01-c9-da-ee-d0 to 00-01-c9-da-ee-d1

    00-04-9b-bd-c0-00 to 00-04-9b-bd-c3-ff

15  00-08-7c-a1-cf-80 to 00-08-7c-a1-cf-bf 1.3    12.1(19)E1 12.1(19)E1a

3   00-09-11-f3-88-48 to 00-09-11-f3-88-77 5.1    6.3(1)     8.1(1)

5   00-01-00-02-00-03                      1.2    6.1(3)     8.1(1)

Mod Sub-Type                Sub-Model           Sub-Serial  Sub-Hw Sub-Sw

--- ----------------------- ------------------- ----------- ------ ------

1   L3 Switching Engine II  WS-F6K-PFC2         SAD054104B3 3.0

SW1 (enable)

Step 4. Make sure the Cisco IOS (native) image is available on the Supervisor bootflash or on the PCMCIA card in slot0. Newer versions of Cisco IOS have outgrown the capacity of bootflash on some Supervisors. The proper location for the Cisco IOS (native) image depends on the Supervisor flash device capacity and image size.

Use the directory command to verify the location of the Cisco IOS (native) image:

SW1> (enable) dir bootflash:

-#- -length- -----date/time------ name

  1  8040396 Oct 30 2003 23:17:13 cat6000-sup2k8.8-1-1.bin

23941044 bytes available (8040524 bytes used)

SW1> (enable)

SW1> (enable) dir slot0:

-#- -length- -----date/time------ name

  1 19769600 Oct 31 2003 00:39:30 c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a

5002880 bytes available (19769728 bytes used)

SW1> (enable)

If the native image (c6sup*) is missing from either bootflash: or slot0:, download it using the procedure described in Step 5. If the image is present, go to Step 6.

Step 5. (Optional) This step is needed if Step 4 determined the Cisco IOS (native) image (c6sup*) is missing from either bootflash: or slot0:.

Space can be freed up as necessary on the flash devices by using the delete bootflash: or slot0: filename command (which deletes the file) followed by the squeeze bootflash: or slot0: command (which erases all deleted files from the device).

Use the copy tftp bootflash: or copy tftp slot0: command to download the image to either Switch Processor bootflash or to the PCMCIA card in slot0:

SW1> (enable) copy tftp slot0:

IP address or name of remote host []?

Name of file to copy from []? c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a

24772480 bytes available on device slot0, proceed (y/n) [n]? y





File has been copied successfully.

SW1> (enable)

SW1> (enable) dir slot0:

-#- -length- -----date/time------ name

  1 19769600 Oct 31 2003 21:37:39 c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a

5002880 bytes available (19769728 bytes used)

SW1> (enable)

Step 6. Access the MSFC by issuing either the switch console or the session module command:

SW1> (enable) switch console

Trying Router-15...

Connected to Router-15.

Type ^C^C^C to switch back...




Step 7. Issue the dir bootflash: command to verify that the MSFC2 boot image (c6msfc2-boot) is present on the MSFC bootflash. A boot image is not required for the MSFC2, however, it is recommended. A boot image is a much smaller, scaled-down version of the system image that makes it possible to perform a TFTP image transfer in the event the main system image is corrupted or lost. If you choose to use an MSFC2 boot image, you must store it in the MSFC bootflash:

SW1-MSFC2#dir bootflash:

Directory of bootflash:/

    1  -rw-     1820676   Aug 20 2003 18:13:11  c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a

15204352 bytes total (13383548 bytes free)

If the c6msfc2-boot image is missing from the MSFC bootflash, download it using the procedure described in Step 8. If the image is present, go to Step 9.

Step 8. (Optional) This step is needed if the c6msfc2-boot image is missing from the MSFC bootflash.

Space can be freed up as necessary on the MSFC bootflash by using the delete bootflash: filename command (which deletes the file) followed by the squeeze bootflash: command (which erases all deleted files from the device).

Use the copy tftp bootflash: command to download the image to MSFC bootflash:

SW1-MSFC2#copy tftp bootflash:

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a

Destination filename [c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a]?

Accessing tftp://

Loading c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a from (via Vlan1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






[OK - 1820676 bytes]

1820676 bytes copied in 18.800 secs (96844 bytes/sec)

Verifying compressed IOS image checksum...

Verified compressed IOS image checksum for bootflash:/c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a

SW1-MSFC2#dir bootflash:

Directory of bootflash:/

    1  -rw-     1820676   Nov 01 2003 00:37:41  c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a

15204352 bytes total (13383548 bytes free)


Step 9. Verify that the BOOTLDR variable statement is set pointing to the c6msfc2-boot image in MSFC bootflash and the configuration register is set to 0x2102, which disables the BREAK key and tells the MSFC2 to autoboot. Issue the show bootvar command to check the BOOTLDR variable and configuration register settings.

A BOOTLDR variable statement is not required for the MSFC2, but is recommended and will be used in this procedure:

SW1-MSFC2#show boot

BOOT variable = sup-slot0:c6msfc2-jsv-mz.121-19.E1a,1

CONFIG_FILE variable =

BOOTLDR variable = bootflash:c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a

Configuration register is 0x2102


If the BOOTLDR variable statement or the configuration register is not set correctly, go to Step 10 to change them. If both of these settings are correct, go to Step 11.

Step 10. (Optional) This step is required only if Step 9 determined that the BOOTLDR variable statement or the configuration register were not set correctly. Issue the following commands to set the BOOTLDR variable statement and/or change the configuration register setting:

SW1-MSFC2#dir bootflash:

Directory of bootflash:/

    1  -rw-     1820676   Nov 01 2003 00:37:41  c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a

15204352 bytes total (13383548 bytes free)


SW1-MSFC2#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

SW1-MSFC2(config)#boot bootldr bootflash:c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a



SW1-MSFC2#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

SW1-MSFC2(config)#config-register 0x2102



SW1-MSFC2#write mem

Building configuration...


Software defects in some versions of Cisco IOS prevent the copy run start command from properly saving the config-register value, so the write mem command is used.

SW1-MSFC2#show boot

BOOT variable = sup-slot0:c6msfc2-jsv-mz.121-19.E1a

CONFIG_FILE variable =

BOOTLDR variable = bootflash:c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a

Configuration register is 0x2102


Step 11. Go back to the Supervisor by typing Ctrl-C three times on the MSFC.

If the MSFC was accessed by issuing the session module command, type exit instead of Ctrl-C to go back to the Supervisor:




SW1> (enable)

Step 12. After you are back on the Supervisor, change the configuration register setting on the Supervisor so that the switch does not boot the Catalyst OS image and goes to ROMMON:

SW1> (enable) set boot config-register 0x0

Configuration register is 0x0

ignore-config: disabled

auto-config: non-recurring, overwrite, sync disabled

console baud: 9600

boot: the ROM monitor

SW1> (enable)

SW1> (enable) show boot

BOOT variable = bootflash:cat6000-sup2k8.8-1-1.bin,1

CONFIG_FILE variable = bootflash:switch.cfg

Configuration register is 0x0

ignore-config: disabled

auto-config: non-recurring, overwrite, sync disabled

console baud: 9600

boot: the ROM monitor

SW1> (enable)

Step 13. Reset the switch so that it goes into ROMMON:

SW1> (enable) reset

This command will reset the system.

Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]? y

2003 Nov 01 03:44:12 %SYS-5-SYS_RESET:System reset from Console//

Powering OFF all existing linecards

2003 Nov 01 03:44:12 %ETHC-5-PORTFROMSTP:Port 3/1 left bridge port 3/1

System Bootstrap, Version 7.1(1)

Copyright (c) 1994-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.

c6k_sup2 processor with 262144 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1 >

Step 14. Issue the set command at the ROMMON prompt to check the environment variables. Notice that the switch is currently set to boot into the Catalyst OS image:

rommon 1 > set

PS1=rommon ! >



RET_2_RTS=22:35:52 UTC Thu Oct 30 2003





rommon 2 >

The CONFIG_FILE environment variable is not used by the Cisco IOS (native) software, and might cause a problem. This can easily be avoided here by removing either bootflash:switch.cfg or slot0:switch.cfg from the environment settings. To do this, issue the following commands:

rommon 2 > CONFIG_FILE=

rommon 3 > sync

rommon 4 > reset

System Bootstrap, Version 7.1(1)

Copyright (c) 1994-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.

c6k_sup2 processor with 262144 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1 >

Step 15. Now boot the switch using the Cisco IOS (native) image. First issue the dir bootflash: or dir slot0: command depending on which device is storing the Cisco IOS (native) image. Then issue the boot bootflash: or slot0:filename command to start the bootup sequence:

rommon 1 > dir slot0:

         File size           Checksum   File name

  19769600 bytes (0x12da900)  0x4dbcb14a    c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a

rommon 2 > boot slot0:c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a

Self decompressing the image : ###########################################




System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(4r)E, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Copyright (c) 2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Cat6k-MSFC2 platform with 262144 Kbytes of main memory

Download Start







Download Completed! Booting the image.

Self decompressing the image : ###########################################






Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) c6sup2_rp Software (c6sup2_rp-JS-M), Version 12.1(19)E1a, EARLY



TAC Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Tue 05-Aug-03 22:27 by hqluong

Image text-base: 0x40008C00, data-base: 0x41B0C000

cisco WS-C6506 (R7000) processor (revision 2.0) with 227328K/34816K bytes

  of memory.

Processor board ID TBA04510556

R7000 CPU at 300Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 1024KB L3 Cache

Last reset from power-on

Bridging software.

X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.

SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp).

TN3270 Emulation software.

1 Virtual Ethernet/IEEE 802.3  interface(s)

48 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

2 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

381K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

16384K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K).

Press RETURN to get started!


Step 16. At this point, the Cisco IOS (native) image has successfully booted, but the Supervisor flash devices are still formatted with the previous Catalyst OS (hybrid) algorithm. This means that Cisco IOS (native) software will not be able to correctly write to sup-bootflash: or slot0:. These flash devices will need to be reformatted and the images replaced on them.

Use the format command to format both the Supervisor bootflash and slot0 flash devices:


SW1-MSFC2#format sup-bootflash:

Format operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]

Format operation will destroy all data in "sup-bootflash:".  Continue?


Format of sup-bootflash complete


SW1-MSFC2#format slot0:

Format operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]

Format operation will destroy all data in "slot0:".  Continue? [confirm]

Enter volume ID (up to 64 chars)[default slot0]:

Format of slot0 complete


Step 17. Formatting the Supervisor flash devices in the previous step has erased all data on these devices including the Cisco IOS (native) image used to boot the Supervisor. The Cisco IOS (native) image (c6sup*) will need to be copied over again.

Remember that the configuration has been lost during the conversion. An IP address and possibly static or dynamic routing will need to be configured to establish connectivity to the TFTP server again. Make sure pings are successful to the TFTP server from the switch.

Use the copy tftp command to copy the Cisco IOS (native) image to either the sup-bootflash: or slot0: flash device:

SW1-MSFC2#copy tftp slot0:

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a

Destination filename [c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a]?

Accessing tftp://

Loading c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a from (via FastEthernet3/1): !!!!!






[OK - 19769600 bytes]

19769600 bytes copied in 290.032 secs (68164 bytes/sec)

Verifying compressed IOS image checksum...

Verified compressed IOS image checksum for slot0:/c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a


Step 18. Now set the boot variable to boot from the Cisco IOS (native) image in sup-bootflash: or slot0:

SW1-MSFC2#show boot

BOOT variable = sup-slot0:c6msfc2-jsv-mz.121-19.E1a

CONFIG_FILE variable =

BOOTLDR variable = bootflash:c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1a

Configuration register is 0x2102

Standby is not up.


SW1-MSFC2#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

SW1-MSFC2(config)#boot system flash slot0:c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a


SW1-MSFC2#write memory

Building configuration...



Step 19. Before reloading, change the config-register of the Switch Processor from 0x0 to 0x2102. Otherwise, upon reload the router will end up in the Supervisor ROMMON. Issue the show bootvar command again:

SW1-MSFC2#show boot

BOOT variable = slot0:c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a,1

CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist

BOOTLDR variable does not exist

Configuration register is 0x2102

Viewing the preceding output, it seems that all the variables are set and you should be able to boot the switch automatically. However, at this point, if you reload the router you will end up in the Supervisor ROMMON. This is because the configuration register value for the Supervisor (set in Step 12) is still 0x0. You can verify this statement by issuing the remote command switch show boot command, which will display current environment variable settings on the Supervisor.

In Cisco IOS (native) releases earlier than 12.1(5c)EX, the command format is remote command:

SW1-MSFC2#remote command switch show boot

BOOT variable = slot0:c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a,1

CONFIG_FILE variable =

BOOTLDR variable =

Configuration register is 0x0

Issue the following set of commands on the Router (RP) to change the configuration register settings on the Supervisor:

SW1-MSFC2#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

SW1-MSFC2(config)#config-register 0x2102


SW1-MSFC2#write memory

Building configuration...


SW1-MSFC2#remote command switch show boot

BOOT variable = slot0:c6sup22-js-mz.121-19.E1a,1

CONFIG_FILE variable =

BOOTLDR variable =

Configuration register is 0x0 (will be 0x2102 at next reload)

Step 20. The final step is to reload the switch:


Proceed with reload? [confirm]