Manual Conversion from Native to Hybrid

Although an automated tool exists for converting both the configuration commands and software from hybrid to native, Cisco does not offer automated tools to convert from native to hybrid. Users can be challenged with converting from native to hybrid when integrating equipment from other companies or locations, or when receiving a new Supervisor card already running native, when the organization has decided to run hybrid as the standard. For example, the Supervisor 720 initially shipped with only native IOS support, and only later did hybrid software solutions become available. Some users chose to convert from native to hybrid after the new software became available.

The manual process for converting from native to hybrid using a Supervisor 720 with an MSFC3 is outlined in the following steps. This process can be used with other Catalyst 6000/6500 Supervisor/MSFC combinations using the appropriate software versions for each. Always check the Catalyst 6000/6500 Series Release Notes for memory and ROMMON requirements:

Step 1. Establish a console connection to the Supervisor. It is a good idea to log the console session to a file. This enables the output to be captured as a record of the session and it can be compared against the steps in this process if any issues arise. For example, in Windows Hyperterm, the menu option for logging a console session is Transfer > Capture Text. Other terminal emulation programs might have different procedures for capturing text.

Step 2. The switch must be reconfigured after converting to Catalyst OS because the configuration is lost during the conversion process. At this point, it is recommended to back up the configuration. This file can serve as a reference after the conversion or as a backup should you decide to convert back to native. Issue the copy config tftp command to back up the configuration.

Step 3. Make sure that the MSFC3 (c6msfc3*) hybrid IOS software image is on the MSFC bootflash:

SW1-MSFC3#dir bootflash:

Directory of bootflash:/

   1  -rw-    16050204   Aug 18 2003 12:10:51  c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2

   2  -rw-      649603   Aug 18 2003 13:29:29  c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S9

65536000 bytes total (48835936 bytes free)


If the MSFC hybrid IOS image is not in the MSFC bootflash, go to Step 4. If the MSFC hybrid IOS image is on bootflash, go to Step 5.

Step 4. (Optional) This step is necessary if Step 4 determined the required MSFC hybrid IOS image (c6msfc3*) was missing from the MSFC bootflash.

Space can be freed if necessary on the MSFC bootflash with the delete bootflash:<filename> command (which deletes the file) followed by the squeeze bootflash: command (which erases all deleted files from the device).

Download the MSFC hybrid IOS image into the MSFC bootflash:

SW1-MSFC3#copy tftp bootflash:

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2

Destination filename [c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2]?

Accessing tftp://

Loading c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2 from (via FastEthernet1/1): !!!




[OK - 16050204 bytes]

16050204 bytes copied in 159.488 secs (100636 bytes/sec)

Verifying compressed IOS image checksum...

Verified compressed IOS image checksum for bootflash:/c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2


SW1-MSFC3#dir bootflash:

Directory of bootflash:/

   1  -rw-    16050204   Aug 18 2003 14:10:03  c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2

   2  -rw-      649603   Aug 18 2003 13:29:29  c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S9

65536000 bytes total (48835936 bytes free)


Step 5. Make sure you are running the minimum ROMMON version required for the conversion.

Unlike Supervisor II with MSFC2, no boot image is required on the Supervisor Engine 720 for the MSFC3. The basic functionality to boot the MSFC3 is embedded in ROMMON (including TFTP capability). When converting the Supervisor Engine 720 from Cisco IOS (native) to Catalyst OS on the Supervisor and Cisco IOS on the MSFC (hybrid), a minimum version of ROMMON is required. The required minimum ROMMON version is 12.2(14r)S9.

Issue the show version command to verify the ROMMON version:

SW1-MSFC3#show version

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-PSV-M), Version 12.2(14)SX1, EARLY



TAC Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Tue 27-May-03 19:24 by ccai

Image text-base: 0x40008C10, data-base: 0x41ACE000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(14r)S8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

If the minimum version of ROMMON is not installed, go to Step 6. If the minimum or later version is installed, go to Step 7.

Step 6. (Optional) This step is necessary if Step 5 determined that the required minimum version 12.2(14r)S9 or later version of ROMMON software is not installed.

Download the file c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S* from the Cisco IOS Software ROMMON section of the Software Center into the MSFC bootflash:

SW1-MSFC3#copy tftp bootflash:

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S9

Destination filename [c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S9]?

Accessing tftp://

Loading c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S9 from (via FastEthernet1/1): !!



[OK - 649603 bytes]

SW1-MSFC3#dir bootflash:

Directory of bootflash:/

   1  -rw-    16050204   Aug 18 2003 12:10:51  c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2

   2  -rw-      649603   Aug 18 2003 13:29:29  c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S9

65536000 bytes total (48835936 bytes free)


The actual ROMMON upgrade procedure will be performed later. For now, continue to Step 7.

Step 7. Make sure the Catalyst OS image (cat6000-sup720*) is on either the Supervisor bootflash (sup-bootflash:) or on a compact flash card (disk0: or disk1:):

SW1-MSFC3#dir sup-bootflash:

Directory of sup-bootflash:/

   2  -rw-    32983632   Aug 16 2003 19:44:42  s72033-psv-mz.122-14.SX1.bin

65536000 bytes total (18912432 bytes free)


SW1-MSFC3#dir disk0:

Directory of disk0:/

   1  -rw-    13389508   Aug 16 2003 20:36:40  cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

128626688 bytes total (115236864 bytes free)

If the Catalyst OS image is not on either sup-bootflash: or on disk0: or disk1:, go to Step 8. If the Catalyst OS image is installed, go to Step 9.

Step 8. (Optional) This step is necessary if the Supervisor 720 Catalyst OS image is not on either the Supervisor bootflash (sup-bootflash:) or on the compact flash card (disk0: or disk1:).

The compact flash might need to be formatted if it has never been used before or was formatted using the hybrid algorithm. To format compact flash on a Supervisor 720, use the format disk0: and/or the format disk 1: command. You can also free up space as necessary on the flash devices using the delete sup-bootflash: or delete disk0: or disk1:filename command (which deletes the file) followed by the squeeze sup-bootflash: or squeeze disk0: or disk1: command (which erases all deleted files from the device).

Use the copy tftp sup-bootflash:, copy tftp disk0:, or disk1: command to download the image to either the Supervisor bootflash or to one of the flash cards:

SW1-MSFC3#copy tftp disk0:

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

Destination filename [cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin]?

Accessing tftp://

Loading cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin from (via FastEthernet1/1): !!




[OK - 13389508 bytes]

13389508 bytes copied in 103.044 secs (129940 bytes/sec)

Verifying compressed IOS image checksum...

Verified compressed IOS image checksum for disk0:/cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-  1.bin


SW1-MSFC3#dir disk0:

Directory of disk0:/

   1  -rw-    13389508   Aug 18 2003 15:17:36  cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

128626688 bytes total (115236864 bytes free)


Step 9. Change the configuration register setting to put the switch into ROMMON on the next reload:

SW1-MSFC3#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

SW1-MSFC3(config)#config-register 0x0



Use the show boot command to verify the new config-register setting:

SW1-MSFC3#show boot

BOOT variable = sup-bootflash:s72033-psv-mz.122-14.SX1.bin,1

CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist

BOOTLDR variable does not exist

Configuration register is 0x2102 (will be 0x0 at next reload)

Standby is not up.


Step 10. Reload the router:


System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no

Proceed with reload? [confirm]

02:04:30: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console.

02:04:33: %OIR-SP-6-CONSOLE: Changing console ownership to switch processor

02:04:35: %SYS-SP-5-RELOAD: Reload requested

02:04:36: %OIR-SP-6-CONSOLE: Changing console ownership to switch processor


*** --- SHUTDOWN NOW ---


System Bootstrap, Version 7.7(1)

Copyright (c) 1994-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 524288 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1>

Step 11. From the Supervisor ROMMON prompt, verify the Catalyst OS image is on either the Supervisor bootflash (sup-bootflash:) or on one of the compact flash devices:

rommon 1 > dir disk0:

Directory of disk0:

2      13389508  -rw-     cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

Step 12. Issue the boot command to start the bootup sequence for the Catalyst OS image:

rommon 2 > boot disk0:cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

Self decompressing the image : ###########################################












############################################# [OK]

System Power On Diagnostics

DRAM Size ..........................512 MB

Testing DRAM .......................Passed

Verifying Text Segment .............Passed

NVRAM Size .........................2048 KB

Level2 Cache .......................Present

Level3 Cache .......................Present

System Power On Diagnostics Complete

Currently running ROMMON from S (Gold) region

Boot image: disk0:cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

Firmware compiled 29-Jun-03 19:12 by integ Build [100]

Running System Diagnostics from this Supervisor (Module 5)

This may take several minutes....please wait

IP address for Catalyst not configured

DHCP/BOOTP will commence after the ports are online

Ports are coming online ...

2003 Aug 18 15:49:58 %SYS-4-NVLOG:initBootNvram:Bootarea checksum failed:



Cisco Systems Console


Step 13. From the Supervisor's console prompt, check the status of the MSFC by issuing the show module command:

Console> (enable) show module

Mod Slot Ports Module-Type               Model               Sub Status

--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --- --------

1   1    48    10/100BaseTX Ethernet     WS-X6548-RJ-45      no  ok

5   5    2     1000BaseX Supervisor      WS-SUP720-BASE      yes ok

Mod Module-Name          Serial-Num

--- -------------------- -----------

1                        SAL06489DVD

5                        SAD07170009

Mod MAC-Address(es)                        Hw     Fw         Sw

--- -------------------------------------- ------ ---------- ------------

1   00-09-11-f2-f3-a8 to 00-09-11-f2-f3-d7 5.1    6.3(1)     8.1(1)

5   00-0c-ce-63-da-fe to 00-0c-ce-63-da-ff 2.1    7.7(1)     8.1(1)

    00-0c-ce-63-da-fc to 00-0c-ce-63-da-ff

    00-0c-86-a0-10-00 to 00-0c-86-a0-13-ff

Mod Sub-Type                Sub-Model           Sub-Serial  Sub-Hw Sub-Sw

--- ----------------------- ------------------- ----------- ------ ------

5   L3 Switching Engine III WS-F6K-PFC3A        SAD071501AB 1.1

Console> (enable)

Notice that the MSFC3 in slot 15 is not shown in the preceding output because the MSFC3 (RP) is still in ROMMON mode.

Step 14. Access the MSFC with the switch console command.

If the session 15 command is used at this point, it will result in the following error:

Console> (enable) session 15

Module 15 is not installed.

Console> (enable) switch console

Trying Router-15...

Connected to Router-15.

Type ^C^C^C to switch back...

rommon 1 >

If Step 6 determined the required minimum 12.2(14r)S9 or later version of ROMMON software was not installed, go to Step 15. If the required minimum ROMMON version is installed, go to Step 16.

Step 15. (Optional) This step is required if the required 12.2(14r)S9 or later version of ROMMON software is not installed.

Nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM) must be reformatted for Catalyst OS (hybrid) mode before upgrading the ROMMON version. Issue the nvram_erase command from ROMMON privileged mode:

rommon 2 > priv

Privileged mode grants access to the full set of monitor commands. Be aware that some commands will allow you to destroy the configuration and/or system images and could render the switch unbootable:

rommon 3 > nvram_erase

Enter in hex the start address [0xbe020000]:  be000000

Enter in hex the test size or length in bytes [0x100]:  200000

rommon 4 > reset

Step 16. Verify the MSFC runtime image (c6msfc3*) is present on the MSFC bootflash with the dir bootflash command and use the boot command to boot this image:

rommon 2 > dir bootflash:

         File size           Checksum   File name

  16050204 bytes (0xf4e81c)   0x4221810c   c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2

    649603 bytes (0x9e983)    0x64867cc    c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S9

rommon 3 > boot bootflash:c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2

Self decompressing the image : ###########################################



              Restricted Rights Legend

Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is

subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph

(c) of the Commercial Computer Software ? Restricted

Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph

(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer

Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.

           Cisco Systems, Inc.

           170 West Tasman Drive

           San Jose, California 95134-1706

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) MSFC3 Software (C6MSFC3-JSV-M), Version 12.2(14)SX2, EARLY


TAC Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Mon 30-Jun-03 14:12 by cmong

Image text-base: 0x40008C10, data-base: 0x41D16000

flashfs[1]: 2 files, 1 directories

flashfs[1]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories

flashfs[1]: Total bytes: 1792000

flashfs[1]: Bytes used: 2048

flashfs[1]: Bytes available: 1789952

flashfs[1]: flashfs fsck took 2 seconds.

flashfs[1]: Initialization MSFC3 (R7000) processor with


5536K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID

SR71000 CPU at 600Mhz, Implementation 0x504, Rev 1.2, 512KB L2 Cache

Last reset from power-on

Bridging software.

X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.

SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp).

TN3270 Emulation software.

512K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

8192K bytes of packet buffer memory.

65536K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K).

Logging of %SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL is enabled

Press RETURN to get started!


If the required version 12.2(14r)S9 or later version of ROMMON software is not installed, go to Step 17. If you have the required minimum or later ROMMON version, go to Step 18.

Step 17. (Optional) This step is necessary if the required version 12.2(14r)S9 or later version of ROMMON software is not installed.

Do not issue the write memory or copy startup-config commands before completing the ROMMON upgrade procedure.

Issue the show rom-monitor slot x rp command to view the output of MSFC's ROMMON before the upgrade:


Console#show rom-monitor slot 5 rp

Region F1: INVALID

Region F2: INVALID

Currently running ROMMON from S (Gold) region

Issue the upgrade rom-monitor slot x rp file <flash device:filename> command to upgrade the version of MSFC's ROMMON:

Console#upgrade rom-monitor slot 5 rp file bootflash:c6msfc3-


01:31:59: ROMMON image upgrade in progress

01:31:59: Erasing flash


01:32:02: Programming flash

01:32:04: Verifying new image

01:32:04: ROMMON image upgrade complete

 The card must be reset for this to take effect


Now issue the reload command to reset the MSFC and complete the ROMMON upgrade. The MSFC will try to boot the first image in bootflash: If this fails, verify the MSFC runtime image (c6msfc3*) is present on the MSFC bootflash with the dir bootflash: command and use the boot command to boot this image:

rommon 2 > dir bootflash:

         File size           Checksum   File name

  16050204 bytes (0xf4e81c)   0x4221810c   c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2

    649603 bytes (0x9e983)    0x64867cc    c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-14r.S9

rommon 3 > boot bootflash:c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2

Self decompressing the image : ###########################################




Issue the show rom-monitor slot x rp command to view the output of RP ROMMON after the upgrade and reload:


Console#show rom-monitor slot 5 rp

Region F1: APPROVED, preferred

Region F2: INVALID

Currently running ROMMON from F1 region

Step 18. Set the boot variables for both the Supervisor and MSFC to autoboot. Because the MSFC was the last to be configured, alter the MSFC variables first:

!Set the boot variable to boot the MSFC image.

Console#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Console(config)#boot system flash bootflash:c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2


!Change the config-register back to its normal setting.

Console(config)#config-register 0x2102



Console#write memory

Building configuration...



!Verify the new boot parameters.

Console#show boot

BOOT variable = bootflash:c6msfc3-jsv-mz.122-14.SX2,1

CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist

BOOTLDR variable does not exist

Configuration register is 0x0 (will be 0x2102 at next reload)


The BOOTLDR variable is not necessary, as the bootloader functionality is contained within ROMMON.

Step 19. The MSFC3 is now up and running properly and is ready for configuration. However, a few things need to be done on the Supervisor. Go back to the Supervisor by typing Ctl-C three times on the MSFC:





Step 20. If the Supervisor's bootflash: or the compact flash (disk0: or disk1:) was formatted while running Cisco IOS (native), Catalyst OS will not be able to write to the Supervisor bootflash: or onto the compact flash devices successfully, and will only be able to read from them. These flash devices will need to be reformatted and the images replaced on them:

Console> (enable) format bootflash:

All sectors will be erased, proceed (y/n) [n]? y

Enter volume id (up to 31 characters):

Formatting sector 1

Format device bootflash completed

Console> (enable)

Console> (enable) format disk0:

All sectors will be erased, proceed (y/n) [n]? y

Enter volume id (up to 31 characters):

Format: Drive communication & 1st Sector Write OK...

Writing Monlib sectors..........................................................


Monlib write complete

Format: All system sectors written. OK...

Format: Total sectors in formatted partition: 251616

Format: Total bytes in formatted partition: 128827392

Format: Operation completed successfully.

Console> (enable)

Step 21. Formatting the Supervisor flash devices in the previous step has erased all data on these devices including the Catalyst OS image used to boot the Supervisor. The Catalyst OS image (cat6000-sup720) will need to be copied over again.

Remember that the configuration has been lost during the conversion. An IP address on the sc0 interface and possibly a default route will need to be configured to establish connectivity to the TFTP server again. Make sure pings are successful to the TFTP server from the switch:

Console> (enable) copy tftp bootflash:

IP address or name of remote host []?

Name of file to copy from []? cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

65535872 bytes available on device bootflash, proceed (y/n) [n]? y







File has been copied successfully.

Console> (enable)

Console> (enable) dir bootflash:

-#- -length- -----date/time------ name

  1 13389508 Aug 18 2003 16:54:11 cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

52146364 bytes available (13389636 bytes used)

Console> (enable)

Step 22. Next, set the boot variables and the configuration register value on the Supervisor so that the switch can autoboot successfully. Issue the following commands to set the boot variables and the configuration register values:

Console> (enable) show boot

BOOT variable = bootflash:,1;

CONFIG_FILE variable = bootflash:switch.cfg

Configuration register is 0x10f

ignore-config: disabled

auto-config: non-recurring, overwrite, sync disabled

console baud: 9600

boot: image specified by the boot system commands

Console> (enable)

Console> (enable) clear boot system all

BOOT variable =

Console> (enable)

Console> (enable) set boot config-register 0x2102

Configuration register is 0x2102

ignore-config: disabled

auto-config: non-recurring, overwrite, sync disabled

console baud: 9600

boot: image specified by the boot system commands

Console> (enable)

Console> (enable) dir bootflash:

-#- -length- -----date/time------ name

  1 13389508 Aug 18 2003 16:54:11 cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin

52146364 bytes available (13389636 bytes used)

Console> (enable)

Console> (enable) set boot system flash bootflash:cat6000-sup720k8.8-1- 1.bin

BOOT variable = bootflash:cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin,1

Console> (enable)

Console> (enable) show boot

BOOT variable = bootflash:cat6000-sup720k8.8-1-1.bin,1

CONFIG_FILE variable = bootflash:switch.cfg

Configuration register is 0x2102

ignore-config: disabled

auto-config: non-recurring, overwrite, sync disabled

console baud: 9600

boot: image specified by the boot system commands

Console> (enable)

Step 23. Reset the switch:

Console> (enable) reset

This command will reset the system.

Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]? y

2003 Aug 18 17:20:43 %SYS-5-SYS_RESET:System reset from Console//

Powering OFF all existing linecards

After the switch has booted back up, use the show version command on the Supervisor to verify the correct version of Catalyst OS is running.

Session to the MSFC and use the show version command to verify the correct version of Cisco IOS for the MSFC is running. That is all there is to converting from native back to hybrid.