The following example shows how to configure a destination prefix aggregation cache with a size of 2046, an inactive timeout of 200 seconds, an active timeout of 45 minutes, an export destination IP address of, and a destination port of 9992:
Router(config)# ip flow-aggregation cache destination-prefix Router(config-flow-cache)# cache entries 2046 Router(config-flow-cache)# cache timeout inactive 200 Router(config-flow-cache)# cache timeout active 45 Router(config-flow-cache)# export destination 9992 Router(config-flow-cache)# enabled
As opposed to the main cache, the export of the flow records from an aggregation cache must be enabled specifically.
The output of show ip flow export displays the router-based aggregation configuration:
Router# show ip flow export
Cache for destination-prefix aggregation:
Exporting flows to (9992)
Exporting using source IP address
The show ip cache verbose flow aggregation aggregation-scheme command, which is quite similar to show ip cache verbose flow for the main cache, displays the content of the aggregation scheme. Furthermore, it shows the number of active flows, the configured timeout, and so on:
Router# show ip cache verbose flow aggregation destination-prefix
IP Flow Switching Cache, 135048 bytes
2 active, 2044 inactive, 4 added
924 ager polls, 0 flow alloc failures
Active flows timeout in 45 minutes
Inactive flows timeout in 200 seconds
IP Sub Flow Cache, 8968 bytes
4 active, 507 inactive, 4 added, 4 added to flow
0 alloc failures, 0 force free
1 chunk, 1 chunk added
Dst If Dst Prefix Msk AS Flows Pkts B/Pk Active
Se0/2 /24 0 24 849 68 327.5
Fa0/1 /30 0 1 5 100 0.1