The source code for the book is contained in the ZIP file The latest version can be downloaded from The ZIP file contains the following:
Ant build file build.xml. The build file describes how to build all the sample code, and includes useful tasks for starting and testing applications for Palm devices and PocketPC, as well as the server processes.
Source code for Palm devices, PocketPC, and desktop applications.
Pre-verified class files for Palm device source code.
Palm .prc files for Palm device applications.
HTML files used in Chapter 7, "Networking."
Unzip the ZIP file to a convenient location, preserving the directory structure. We will refer to this location as ${javaonpdas-base}. The Ant build file does not assume the path for the base directory, but it does assume that the directory structure underneath the base directory is preserved.
The structure is shown in Figure 3.1.
The Ant build file includes instructions for the following:
Compiling the desktop (i.e., server), PocketPC, and Palm device source code.
Building a JAR for deployment to the PocketPC.
Preverifying Palm device classes.
Unjaring any external JARs for bundling into a single Palm device JAR.
Building a Palm device JAR and updating a JAD file.
Creating a Palm device PRC file.
Running Palm device applications on the Palm emulator.
Deploying and undeploying Web services on the server.
Running test clients.
Running test tools.
Creating PocketPC shortcuts for the Jeode PersonalJava JVM.