If your application requires more than the MIDP RMS provides, you might want to use a third party's database that is compatible with MIDP. Both of the products described in this section provide a MIDP application with JDBC-compatible databases.
PointBase Micro is an implementation of a subset of the JDBC API found in J2SE, implemented to work in a MIDP environment. The query language is standard SQL. The JAR file is less than 45 KB. The database can be standalone on the device, or synchronized across the network using HTTP to another PointBase product on the server-side called PointBase UniSync.
For more information on PointBase Micro, refer to http://www.pointbase.com/.
Reqwireless (http://www.reqwireless.com/) is a company that produces several interesting products for J2ME applications. One of those products is ReqwirelessDB. ReqwirelessDB provides access to any JDBC-compliant database from a MIDP application. It does this by providing the JDBC API as a package local to the MIDP application, and a server-side servlet component that performs all the database access.