

  1. Modify the poker dice game in some way. Add a custom background, change the die images, or modify the payoffs to balance the game to your liking.

  2. Write the classic "I'm thinking of a number" game. Have the computer randomly generate a number, then let the user guess its value. Tell the user if he or she is too high, too low, or correct. When the user guesses correctly, tell how many turns it has been. No arrays are necessary for this game, but it will be necessary to store values in hidden form elements.

  3. Write the guessing game in reverse. This time the user generates a random number between 1 and 100 and the computer guesses the number. Let the user choose from too high, too low, or correct. Your algorithm should always be able to guess the number in seven turns or less.

  4. Write a program that deals out a random poker hand. Use playing card images from or another source. Your program does not need to score the hand. It simply needs to deal out a hand of five random cards. Use an array to handle the deck.