Network News, also known as Usenet News, is
mostly transmitted with the Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP).
The Python standard library supports this protocol in its module
nntplib. The nntplib module
supplies a class NNTP to connect to an NNTP
class NNTP(
Returns an instance n of class
NNTP connected to the given
host and port,
and optionally authenticated with the given
user and passwd
if user is not None.
When readermode is
True, also sends a 'mode
reader' command; you may need this, depending on
what NNTP server you connect to and on what NNTP commands you send to
that server.
18.4.1 Response Strings
An instance
n of NNTP supplies many
methods. Each of n's
methods returns a tuple whose first item is a string (referred to as
response in the following section) that is
the response from the NNTP server to the NNTP command corresponding
to the method (method post just returns the
response string, not a tuple). Each method
returns the response string just as the
NNTP server supplies it. The string starts with an integer in decimal
form (the integer is known as the return code), followed by a space,
followed by more text.
For some commands, the extra text after the return code is just a
comment or explanation supplied by the NNTP server. For other
commands, the NNTP standard specifies the format of the text that
follows the return code on the response line. In those cases, the
relevant method also parses the text in question, yielding other
items in the method's resulting tuple, so your code
need not perform such parsing itself; rather, you can just access
further items in the method's result tuple, as
specified in the following sections.
Return codes of the form
2xx, for any two digits
xx, are success codes (i.e., they indicate
that the corresponding NNTP command succeeded). Return codes of other
forms, such as 4xx and
5xx, indicate failures
in the corresponding NNTP command. In these cases, the method does
not return a result. Rather, the method raises an instance of
exception class nntplib.NNTPError or some
appropriate subclass of it, such as
NNTPTemporaryError for errors that may (or may
not) be automatically resolved if you try the operation again, or
NNTPPermanentError for errors that are sure to
occur again if you retry. When a method of an NNTP instance raises an
NNTPError instance e,
the server's response string, starting with a return
code such as 4xx, is
accessible as
18.4.2 Methods
The most
frequently used methods of an NNTP instance
n are as follows.
id is a
string, either an article ID enclosed in angle brackets
(<>) or an article number in the current
group. Returns a tuple of three strings and a list
where number is the article number in the
current group, id is the article ID
enclosed in angle brackets, and list is a
list of strings that are the lines in the entire article (headers
then body, with an empty-line separator, and without end-of-line
id is a
string, either an article ID enclosed in angle brackets
(<>) or an article number in the current
group. Returns a tuple of three strings and a list
where number is the article number in the
current group, id is the article ID
enclosed in angle brackets, and list is a
list of strings that are the lines in the article's
body, without end-of-line characters. When
file is not None, it
can be either a string naming a file that head
then opens for writing, or a file object already open for writing. In
either case, body writes the
article's body to the file, and
list in the tuple it returns is an empty
Makes group_name the current group, and
returns a tuple of five strings
where count is the total number of
articles in the group, last is the number
of the most recent article, first is the
number of the oldest article, and
group_name is the group's
name. Normally, the group_name that is the
last item in the returned tuple will be the same as the one you
requested (i.e., the argument to However, an
NNTP server could conceivably set up aliases, or synonyms; therefore,
you should always check the last item of the returned tuple to
ascertain what newsgroup has been in fact set as the current one.
Returns an article's headers.
id is a string, either an article ID
enclosed in angle brackets (<>) or an
article number in the current group. head returns
a tuple of three strings and a list
where number is the article number in the
current group, id is the article ID
enclosed in angle brackets, and list is a
list of strings that are the lines in the article's
headers, without end-of-line characters.
Returns a tuple of three strings
where number is the article number in the
current group and id is the article ID,
enclosed in angle brackets, for the last article in the current
a pair
where group_stats is a list of tuples with
information about each group on the server. Each item of
group_stats is a tuple of four strings
where group_name is the
group's name, last is the
number of the most recent article, first
is the number of the oldest article, and
group_flag is 'y' when
you're allowed to post, 'n' when
you're not allowed to post, and
'm' when the group is moderated.
date is
a string indicating a date, of the form 'yymmdd'.
time is a string indicating a time, of the
form 'hhmmss'. newgroups
returns a pair
where group_names is the list of the names
of groups created since the given date and time.
group is a
string that is either a group name, meaning you only want data about
articles in that group, or '*', meaning you want
data about articles in any newsgroup on the server.
date is a string indicating a date, of the
form 'yymmdd'. time is
a string indicating a time, of the form 'hhmmss'.
newnews returns a pair
where article_ids is the list of the
identifiers of articles received since the given date and time.
Returns a tuple of three strings
where number is the article number in the
current group and id is the article ID,
enclosed in angle brackets, for the next article in the current
group. The current group is set by calling Each time you
call, you
receive information about another article (i.e.,
n implicitly maintains a pointer to a
current article within the group and advances the pointer on each
call to When
there is no next article (i.e., the current article is the last one
in the current group), raises
Posts an article to the current group, reading it from
file. file is a
file-like object open for reading; post reads the
article's headers and body from the file by
repeatedly calling
file.readline. Note
that file must contain all needed headers,
then an empty-line separator, then the body. post
returns a string, the response from the
server to the posting request.
the connection to the NNTP server. Call as the last method call on
is a string, either an article ID
enclosed in angle brackets, or an article number in the current
group. Returns a tuple of three strings
where number is the article number in the
current group and id is the article ID
enclosed in angle brackets.
18.4.3 Example
Here is a typical, simple example of nntplib use
in an interactive interpreter session, using the free public NNTP
server at
>>> import nntplib
>>> n = nntplib.NNTP('')
>>> response, groups = n.list( )
>>> print response
215 Newsgroups in form "group high low flags".
>>> print ' carries', len(groups), 'newsgroups' carries 679 newsgroups
>>> linux_groups = [g for g in groups if g[0].startswith('linux')]
>>> print ' carries', len(linux_groups), 'newsgroups about linux' carries 311 newsgroups about linux
('211 13 974 986 linux.postgres', '13', '974', '986', 'linux.postgres')
>>> response, artnum, artid, headers = n.head('974')
>>> len(headers)
>>> [h for h in headers if h.startswith('Subject:')]
['Subject: newbie question on networking in postgresql']
>>> n.quit( )
'205 .'